Recurrent optimality conditions of singular controls in delay control systems. Mardanov M., Melikov T.

Stability barriers for Padé and generalised Padé approximations Butcher J.

Homogeneous groupings in portfolio management. Gil-Lafuente. A.M, Gil-Aluja J., Paula L.B.

On one Gauss type quadrature scheme for numerical solution of Lippman-Schwinger equations. Sanikidze J., Mirianashvili M.

Investment optimization problem with savage’s risk criteria under uncertainties. Emelichev V., Korotkov V.

Collective decision making in the enterprise: a theorem of impossibility. Kachalov R., Kleiner G.

On a control problem for heat exchange process. Aida-zade K.

Dynamical production model for control of the flexible manufacture system working. Mahammadli H.

Formalization of the models of the technological processes Gipkih cam borer tubes (BTG BT) on base of the theories fuzzy set. Abdullayev G.

Stability loss of the micro/nano-fiber in the viscoelastic matrix near the free convex cylindrical surface. Akbarov S., Mammadov A.

2D production model with environmental factors. Dymkov M., Brilevskii A., Dymkov S.

Optimal control for hybrid system. Maharramov Sh., Ors Z., Guler A.

Second order optimality conditions for optimal control problems with non-local conditions. Sharifov Y.

Optimal control problem for the nonlinear parabolic system with fixed final state. Serovajsky S.

Bellman equation for optimal processes with nonlinear multi-parametric binary dynamic system. Haci Y.H., Ozen K.

On the optimization of initial data for delay differential equations. Tadumadze T.

Greedy algorithms on special convex-ordered sets. Ramazanov A.

Extreme problem for three-dimensional differential inclusions. Sadigov M.

Control of initial state of dynamic systems by means of signal input. Mammadov H., Rustamov G., Farhadov V.

Solution of matrix dynamics equations in control problems in MATLAB /Simulink/. Rustamov G., Huseynov A., Rustamov R.

Multipage phase stereo a portrait of three-dimensional dynamic system and visualisation of process of the control by movement. Nagiyev A., Imranov F., Nagiyev H.

Investigation of one discrete control problem with inequality type functional constraints. Amirova R., Mansimov K.

Second order necessary optimality conditions in the discrete two-parameter step control problems. Mansimov K., Nasiyati M.

Necessary optimality conditions in one discretely continuous control problem. Huseynzada G., Mansimov K.

On one optimal control problem. Amirova R., Mansimov K.

Relation between the sets of solutions of initial and salient problems in processes governed by parabolic type equations. Aslanli G.

Necessary optimality conditions in one non-smooth optimal control problem with variable structure. Yazdankhah A.

Investigation of quasi-singular control in the Moiseyev problem. Nagiyeva I.

On quasi-singular controls in an optimal control problem described by Volterra’s difference equation. Amirova R.

On the sliding regimes in the processes, described by the third order nonlinear equation. Yagubov M., Huseynova R.

Control problem for the hyperbolic equations with phase restriction. Guliyev H., Mustafayeva T.

About one approach to the decision of environmental problems in difficult systems with hierarchical structure of management. Musayev V., Huseynov N., Abilov K.

Solution approaches based on weak subdifferentials in nonconvex analysis. Kasimbeyli R.

Method of determining the informativity and rational distribution ground stations remote optical monitoring of urban air. Ismailov F., Abdurahmanov Ch., Zabidov Z.

Optimal impulsive control in distributed systems. Ashrafova Y.

Optimal control by sources in distributed systems on the classes of piece-wise constant and Heaviside functions. Ashrafova Y., Musayev S.

Bayes diagnosing hydratoformation in gas collection loops at the sufficient aprioristic information. Rzayev T., Iskandarova A.

Necessary optimality condition in the control problem described by the system of Volterra type two-dimensional integral equations. Mansimov K., Abdullayev A.

Algorithms of mobile control in the systems with the distributed parameters. Kubyshkin V.

Stability greedy algorithm for one problems discrete optimization. Ramazanov A.

On an algorithm for solving the multicriterion optimization problem in scheduling theory. Kuthashvili K., Kilasonia N.

Visualization method for processing of the numerical data flow at the chemical-technological processes investigation. Shabanova Ch., Kasimov R., Sorokina A.

Optimization of transient processes in oil and gas pipelines. Asadova J.

Solution to an optimal control problem with respect to quasi-linear heat conduction equation. Huseynov  S., Karimova S.

Principles of construction of the adaptive control system of the contactless on-off indicator. Labadze O., Labadze T., Tsertsvadze M.

Feedback control at observed points. Abdullayev V.

Optimization of the number of constancy intervals of piecewise-constant control functions with uncertain information Rahimov A., Ismibeyli R.

A mathematical model for assembly line balancing problem with lean manufacturing. Gürsoy A., Nuriyev U.

Increase in the speed of automatic optimizers on sliding modes.

On existence of saddle point of Lagrange function for a mathematical programming problem in Banach space. Ahmetoglu F.

Defining the concept 'The functional state of a controlled complex object behaviour'. Kirillov N.

On non-classic statement of Goursat four-dimensional problem for a pseudoparabolic equation. Mammadov I.

Modeling workspace of planar parallel kinematics machines with 2 degrees of freedom. Klevetov D.

Forecasting economical development on the base Fuzzy Logic Type-2. Imanov G., Yusifzada R.

Prospects of development of the software support for the computer simulation of the forecast of economic event using piece wise-linear economic-mathematical models in view of factors of uncertainty in M-dimensional vector space. Aliyev A.

Eventological "Chess" model of behavior of market agents. Goldenok E.

Combined decision precising fuzzy technology for credit risk evaluation of bank investments. Sirbiladze G., Khutsishvili I.

Related extension of the eventological scoring method. Sherykalova M.

On the decreasing of information measures in the information precision process. Sirbiladze G., Ghvaberidze B, Dvalishvili P.

Distributions of bipartite random vectors and its appendix. Semenovа D.

Eventology sight at entropy. Lukyanova N.

Fuzzy approach in economic development forecasting of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Yusifzada R., Asgari M.A.

Estimation ecological sustainability index on the base of fuzzy logic. Rzayev R.,  Riza S.P., Murtuzayeva M.

Recurrence analysis of hydroelectric power station force equipment vibration signals. Ismailov B.

Estimation of net premiums in collective life insurance. Koshkin G.

Alternative fuzzy approach to evaluate the credit risks of companies: case study. Nasibov E., Bolgen M.

Decision making: the mathematical ground of transitivity formula. Zhukovin V.

On the system of generation of the technological map for agricultural cultivation. Pashayev A., Eyubova S., Sabziyev E.

Correlation between accepted decision and knowledge. Asgarov Sh.

Modelling of stability of development of economy. Murtuzaliev M.

Application of hybrid methods to the solution of Volterra integral equations. Mirzayev R., Mehdiyeva G., Ibrahimov V.

On the numerical solution integro-differential equation. Mehdiyeva G., Ibrahimov V., Imanova M.

Application of multi step methods to the solving second order ordinary differential equations .Nasirova I., Mehdiyeva G., Ibrahimov V.

Identification of two unknown coefficients in parabolic equation. Baranov S.

Construction of the suboptimal solution in the Bul proramming problem by on two estimation of the variables . Mammadov K., Mammadov N., Huseynov S.

Software for the solution of some practical optimization problems. Mammadov K., Huseynov S., Yusifov M., Bakhshaliyeva I.

Difference scheme of higher accuracy order for solution a nonlocal problem. Aliyev A.

Probable-statistical analysis and decision-making in the indistinct environment. Rzayev T.

Boolean reasoning approach to feature selection in information systems. Kahramanli Sh., Selek M.

Advanced adaptive median filter for impulsive noises. Samet R., Tanriverdi M.

Real-time meteorological data analysis and mapping. Samet R., Tural S.

Multidimensional inverse boundary value problem for the system of hyperbolic equations in the bounded domain. Guliyev M. El-Hdidi A.

Method of solving mixed-integer programming with only one limit. Mammadov K.

Construction of a second derivative one-step method of fourth order accuracy and its application to the solution of Volterra integral equation of second kind. Bayramova N., Mehdiyeva G., Ibrahimov V.

Application of the difference method for solution of a nonlinear problem on filtration of compressible liquid in hereditary medium. Asgarov T., Akhundov M.

Algorithm for interfacing between gis and dynamic site response computing domains. Kuruoglu M.

Solution of some inverse problem of atmospheric optics. Shakenov K.

Numerical study of vortex pattern in two-band superconductors. Askerzade (Askerbeyli) A.

Some spectral properties of a new generalized difference operator. Ahmadov A., El-Shabrawy S.

On the spectrum of a class of a generalized difference operator over the space lp, p≥1. Ahmadov A., El-Shabrawy S.

Inverse two-parametric problem with permutational compact self-adjoint operators under right definiteness condition. Mammadov E.

Construction of integer periodic functions according to given values at given points. Ibadov N.

On the problem of corrosive attack of metals at a nonstationary variation in potential. Jafarova A.

Asymptotic properties of solutions of a special type of recurrence relations. Bykova V.

Effective solution method of the subset sum problem. Aliyev M.