Intellectual telemeter system of a noise monitoring of the technical condition of social significant objects and abnormal seismic processes. Aliev T.

On competing risks and degradation processes. Singpurwalla N.D.

Local surrogates of the Maxwell hypothesis. Moeschlin O.

The resampling approach application to complex systems analysis and forecasting. Andronov A.

Hyperbolic Brownian motion and other random motions on hyperbolic spaces. Orsingher E.

Continuous and discrete time extremes: some theoretical and practical aspects. Anderson C.W., Turkman K.F.

Storage processes in Poisson approximation scheme. Korolyuk V.

Existence of weak solutions of the  G-Kelvin–Voight equation. Çelebi  A.O.

On problems of statistical acceptance control. Formanov Sh., Formanova T., Sharipova L.

Sufficient empirical method (SEM) of Poisson sample hypothesis testing. Chepurin E., Chepurina I.

Some approximations formulas for characteristics of tests with linear and curved stopping boundaries. Hajiyev A., Rahimov F.

About Finsler extensions of relativity theory. Pavlov D., Pavlov V., Ibadov R.

Transboundary problems of Caspian ecology: ICT-based solutions. Abbasov A., Karaev R., Mammadov R., Zemlyanov I., Kerimov Z.

Intellectual information system on ecology. Karimov S., Asgarov T.

About the software of electric networks modes calculation problems. Balametov A., Musahanova G., Halilov E.

About modelling of a current mode of ultrahigh voltage air-line.  Balametov A., Halilov E., Iljasov O., Bahyshov E., Isaev M.

Algorithm of determination of spacing interval up to object. Heydarov P.

Numerical method of the decision of an incorrect problem two phase flow in a layer. Hamzaev Kh.

Research of temperature pressure arising at friction viscouselasticity of cores. Hasanov A., Huseynov N., Babacanova V.

Development of methods of determination of disperse composition of oil emulsion. Guluyev G., Rzayev A., Rzayev A., Pashayev F.

Development of a system of optimal control of processes of oil treating termochemical plants. Guluyev.G., Rzayev.A., Rzayev.A., Pashayev.F.

System of monitoring high-altitude buildings with intellectual block of identification of abnormal seismic processes. Musayeva.N., Aliyev.E., Gadimov.R., Mastaliyeva.

About the description of 3d-nonlinear modular system in the form of two valued analogues of volterra’s polynomial. Feyziyev F., Samedova Z.

Gravitating sphaleron-antisphaleron systems. Ibadov R., Khodjaeva U., Kleihaus B., Kunz J., Leissner M.

System analysis, deterministic-stochastic modeling and optimization of processes of granulation of powdered materials. Huseynov A.

Identification Transients in double-level industrial systems (DIS). Rzayev T.

Automatic monitoring of multiple operation forging processes. Lei Y., Jin J.

Design of neural-network filters for low-frequency filtration of signals. Allakhverdiyeva N.

Method of calibrate in different configuration tanks. Isayev M., Babakhanov Sh., Musayev Sh.

Identification of the metrological characteristics transmitters. Isayev M., Aliyev M., Huseynov  I.

Modern principles of measurement and processing of non-sinusoidal signals. Mehdiyeva A.

Comparative analysis of discrete averaging subtracts of the me.uring channel. Agayev F, Aliyeva L., Mehdiyeva A.

Generalized mathematical model of sensitive elements of vibration density measures of liquid. Huseynov T., Amiraslanov B.,  Aslanova Z.

Volume of information in various types of quantum states. Gurevich I.

Estimation of information volume in cosmology objects. Gurevich I.

Concept definition and taxonomy of the abnormal situations that may occur in controlled complex technical systems. Kirillov N.

Nonparametric methods of regularity detection in small samples conditions. Lapko A., Lapko V., Sharkov M.

Automatic lipreading with principle component analysis. Yavuz Z., Nabiyev V.

The parameters computer of the two-measuring electro magnetic sensor of transferences. Mammadov F., Asadova R.

On the weakly structurable fuzzy dynamic systems modeling. Sirbiladze G., Sikharulidze A., Sirbiladze N.

On the automated text authors identification. Makarov V., Shako S., Kureyev R.

System approach to the problem of complicated technology reliability. Makarov V., Iudin M., Krinichiy A.

Simulation and computer control of mobile source of action. Butkovsiy A., Kubyshkin V., Suhoverov V.

Optimization of temperature schedules of cylindrical electrodes of electro-arch plasmatrons. Kubyshkin V., Finyagina V.

Analytical-numerical solutions for the one dimensional PBL turbulence model. Guseynov Sh., Rimshans J., Zilitinkevich S., Esau I.

Processing system of dynamometrical data on the basis of modern information technology. Aliev T., Guluyev G., Rzayev A., Pashayev F., Malikov R., Yusifov I.

 “Technologist” local control system of technological processes. Guluyev G., Rzayev A.,, Pashayev F., Malikov R., Aliyev ., Y.,  Rizvanov M.

Application of intelligence models for functional analyze of technological units. Akhmedov M., Mamedov J., Gheydarov Ch.

DEA: a method for measuring the efficiency of agencies. Rahmanian R.

On need for working out the models and mechanisms of establishment and management of ICT-Technoparks. Aliyev A., Shahverdiyeva R.

Evaluation of derivative time-delay modeling for robust pitch detection in very high and nonstationary noise. Gorodnitsky I.

Algorithm of estimation of evolving models parameters. Makarov V., Alizada T.

Fourier-based method for estimating signal perturbations in linearly-correlated noise. Gorodnitsky I. ,Alizada T., Guliyeva S., Mastaliyeva D., Rzayeva U.

Identification of false impulses in the binary components of noisy signal. Alizada T., Mammadova U., Aliyev E., Gadimov R.

Bayes inference on the ratio between two proportions. Turkman M.A.A., Correia E.

Analysis of multirate systems with shared reservation of channels and queues of wideband calls. Kim Ch.S., Melikov A., Feyziyev V.

Problems of singular perturbations in analysis of stochastic systems. Korolyuk V.

Some limit theorems for I.I.D. and conditionally independent random variables. Kvatadze Z., Shervashidze T.

On the central limit theorem for weakly dependent random variables with values in D[0,1]. Norjigitov A., Sharipov O.

Asymptotic behaviors of the critical branching processes with decreasing immigration. Azimov J.

Fourier transformation with respect to phase of the conditional distribution of one of the semi-Markovian random walk processes. Nasirova T., Ibayev E.

Fractal analysis of network processes. Meilanov R., Zaborovsky V., Beibolaev V., Magomedov R.

Models and characteristics of ТСР flows in stochastic network environment. Meilanov R., Zaborovsky V., Mulukha V.

On functional limit theorem for stochastic branching processes with immigration. Khusanbaev Y.

On the power of the goodness-of-fit test based on wolverton-wagner density estimates. Nadaraya E., Babilua P.

Stochastic integral representation of Poisson functionals. Purtukhia O., Jaoshvili V.

On the pricing of a European option. Babilua P., Dochviri B.

Estimation of parameters of chi-square statistical structures. Zerakidze Z.

Martingale measures for the geometrical Gaussian martingale. Glonti O., Khechinashvili Z.

On infinit dimensional elasticity theory. Sokhadze G.

Some notes on the distributions of solutions of equations with random coefficients. Sokhadze G.

Mathematical model of moving particles with interaction. Hasratova M.