Stein’s method, normal approximation and moderate deviations. Chen L.Y.H.
A problem in particle physics and its Bayesian analysis. Singpurwalla N.D.
A constellation-free momentum exchange concept–the uniform distribution hypothesis. Moeschlin O.
A brief review on some fractional point processes. Orsingher E., Polito F.
Linear HARA frontiers in portfolio optimization. Özekici S., Çanakoğlu E.
Modeling operator performance conforming quality in manufacturing systems. Abad A.G., Jin J.
The design aspects of face identification system with SVMs. Sadykhov R., Frolov I.
On the hypothesis testing concerning the type of the survival function. Chepurin E., Chepurina I.
A triangular symmetric copula. Andronov A.
On two simple stochastic models. Kvatadze Z., Mumladze T., Shervashidze T.
Information methods of research of laws and properties of the nature. Gurevich I.
The basic information characteristics of our universe. Gurevich I.
On a parametrical identification problem for non-linear equations. Guliyev S.
Technique of construction of one class orthogonal binary 3D-sequences. Feyziyev F., Samadova Z.
Group analysis of the relacsational parameters of filtration. Jalilova R.
Principles of applying mathematical models in conflict theory. Shimiyev H.
Laplace transform of distribution to system’s fist overhaul moment. Hasanova A., Babayev Sh.
On the modeling of the American option pricing. Dochviri T., Dochviri B., Meladze H.
Multi-objective mathematical model for one-dimensional assortment problems. Kasimbeyli N.
Approaching for setting of atmosphere’s putting function. Hasanov A.
Identification of nonlinear dynamic systems with positive feedback. Shanshiashvili B.
Methods and algorithms to create the intellectual face recognition system. Sadykhov R., Tulyakov S.
Second order necessary optimality conditions and investigation of singular cases in the problem of optimal control of lauded differential equations with multi-point non-local boundary conditions. Aliyev K., Mansimov K.
Analyse of traffic systems by the models of moving particles on a circle. Hajiyev A., Mammadov T.
On one criterion of convergence to the exponential law. Imomov A., Azimov J.
Construction of stationary statistical structures. Zerakidze Z., Saatashvili G.
Stochastic derivative operator of two-dimensional Poisson functionals. Purtukhia O., Jaoshvili V.
Investigation of the queuing system MMP²׀M׀∞ by method of the moments. Ivanovskaya I., Moiseeva S.
Limit subcritical branching process with immigration. Khusanbaev Y.
The research of RQ-system with input MMP process. Nazarov A., Semenova I.
SM|M in special limit conditions. Gorbatenko A., Lopuchova S.
On the estimation of distribution function on indirect sample. Nadaraya E., Babilua P., Sokhadze G.
Stochastic simulation of queues described by behavior of moving particles. Hasratova M.
Regression between the polytypic data, describing behavior of complex system. Baranova I.
On the construction of a homogeneous standard Markov process. Dochviri B., Meladze B.