Intellectual seismoacoustic telemetric station. Аbbasov A., Аliyev T., Ali-zada A., Etirmishli G., Guluyev G., Pashayev F.

Stein’s method, normal approximation and moderate deviations. Chen L.Y.H.

A problem in particle physics and its Bayesian analysis. Singpurwalla N.D.

A constellation-free momentum exchange concept–the uniform distribution hypothesis. Moeschlin O.

A brief review on some fractional point processes. Orsingher E., Polito F.

Linear HARA frontiers in portfolio optimization. Özekici S., Çanakoğlu E.

Modeling operator performance conforming quality in manufacturing systems. Abad A.G., Jin J.

The design aspects of face identification system with SVMs. Sadykhov R., Frolov I.

On the hypothesis testing concerning the type of the survival function. Chepurin E., Chepurina I.

A triangular symmetric copula. Andronov A.

On choice of statistical acceptance control by the alternative sign under the Bayesian approach. Formanov Sh., Startsev A., Formanova T.

On two simple stochastic models. Kvatadze Z., Mumladze T., Shervashidze T.

Noise technologies of identification of change of complex objects from normal to failure state. Aliyev T., Musayeva N., Guluyev G., Gadimov R., Sattarova U.

Information methods of research of laws and properties of the nature. Gurevich I.

The basic information characteristics of our universe. Gurevich I.

Rational approach to constructing models to control and manage statics of technological processes. Jafarov H.

On an inverse problem of the determination of switching conditions in discontinuous systems. Guliyev S.

On a parametrical identification problem for non-linear equations. Guliyev S.

Technique of construction of one class orthogonal binary 3D-sequences. Feyziyev F., Samadova Z.

Methods of calculative experiment for setting the problems of modeling and optimization of chemico-technological processes. Aliyev A., AbasovaU., Kasimov R., Mammadov E.

Forecasting of electric power losses in electric networks of power systems with application of artificial neural networks. Balametov A., Xalilov E.

Mathematical model of termochemical oil deemulsation process. Аliyev T., Guluyev G., Rzayev A., Yusifov I.

Identification of nanotechnological processing in the oil debit. Аliyev T., Guluyev G., Rzayev A., Yusifov I.

Model of tectonical moving of earth lithosphere which enforces beginning of earthquake. Аliyev T., Guluyev G., Rzayev A., Pashayev F.

Analysis of uncertainties in administrative activity and optimizing problems. Tagiyev N., Guliyev R., Mirzayev F.

Modelling gravitating dyons, dyonic monopole-antimonopole systems and black holes. Ibadov R., Kleihaus B., Kunz J.

Group analysis of the relacsational parameters of filtration. Jalilova R.

On one numerical algorithm of oil filtration process simulation with consideration for relaxation effects. Asgarova R., Ibrahimova R.

Coordinate-wise considering self-restriction of variables in the Lorenz model. Tukalo V., Vitlinskyy V., Kolyada Y.

Kamran Mehdiyev, S. Abdullayev. Modern method of increase of accuracy of measurement of parameters of technological processes in the oil and gas industry. Tukalo V., Vitlinskyy V., Kolyada Y.

Distribution of non-stationary viscoelastic waves to porous environments. Hasanov A., Azmun P., Berzkar A., Efendiyeva L.

Application of mathematical simulation for prognosticating reliability of hydroreclamation systems elements. Hasanov A., Rustamov Y.

Principles of applying mathematical models in conflict theory. Shimiyev H.

Extraction-adsorptive method of separation of resinous and aromatic hydrocarbons from oils. Ibrahimov C., Samadova F., Abbasov Kh.

Laplace transform of distribution to system’s fist overhaul moment. Hasanova A., Babayev Sh.

On the modeling of the American option pricing. Dochviri T., Dochviri B., Meladze H.

Multi-objective mathematical model for one-dimensional assortment problems. Kasimbeyli N.

Interactive system for constructing and analysis linear and nonlinear statistical models. Aida-zade K., Khoroshko M.

Information investigation of the results of modeling of the system of to be protecting in nets of distributed computer. Ismayılov B., Najafova Ch.

On the basis of fuzzy logic in a broad sense the choice of supporting subsets in fuzzy cluster analysis. Karimov A., Rzayeva U.

Approaching for setting of atmosphere’s putting function. Hasanov A.

Modelling of influence of mechanical fluctuations on smoothness of flight of flying machines. Gurbanov T., Neymatov V., Hashimova F.

Creation of dynamic model of system of stable flight control in planes with the autopilot. Gurbanov T.,  Karimli T., Mammadova V.

Identification of nonlinear dynamic systems with positive feedback. Shanshiashvili B.

Methods and algorithms to create the intellectual face recognition system. Sadykhov R., Tulyakov S.

Investigation of low frequency tube resonator lumped inhomogeneity for vibration-frequency densitometer liquid media. Huseynov T.

Simulation of the refractometr by means of the software LABVİEW 6.1. Kazimov N., Khalilov S., Mansurov G., Guliyev R.

Second order necessary optimality conditions and investigation of singular cases in the problem of optimal control of lauded differential equations with multi-point non-local boundary conditions. Aliyev K., Mansimov K.

Analyse of traffic systems by the models of moving particles on a circle. Hajiyev A., Mammadov T.

On one criterion of convergence to the exponential law. Imomov A., Azimov J.

Locally-differential analogue of the basic lemma of the Galton-Watson processes and the Q-processes. Imomov A.

On some properties strongly and weakly separable Gaussian homogeneous isotropic statistical structures in Banach space of measures. Aleksidze L., Zerakidze Z.

Construction of stationary statistical structures. Zerakidze Z., Saatashvili G.

Stochastic derivative operator of two-dimensional Poisson functionals. Purtukhia O., Jaoshvili V.

Climate models and commodity pricing with stochastic processes adapted by neural networks exhibiting possible transitions to chaos. Giebel S., Rainer M.

On growth rate of solution of second order nonlinear elliptic equation in unbounded domain. Agayev E., Aliyev S.

Investigation of the queuing system MMP²׀M׀∞ by method of the moments. Ivanovskaya I., Moiseeva S.

The models and forecasting of the incomplete after “Disorder” financial markets. Glonti O., Khechinashvili Z.

Limit subcritical branching process with immigration. Khusanbaev Y.

Bootstrap for the sample mean and for u-statistics of weakly dependent observations. Sharipov O., Wendler M.

The research of RQ-system with input MMP process. Nazarov A., Semenova I.

SM|M in special limit conditions. Gorbatenko A., Lopuchova S.

On the estimation of distribution function on indirect sample. Nadaraya E., Babilua P., Sokhadze G.

On the estimation of probability of initial distribution dynamics on sample at the end of interval. Nadaraya E., Babilua P., Sokhadze G.

Investigation of system MAP|M|1|RQ by the method of asymptotical semiinvariants to the third order. Sudyko E.

Public transport service quality estimation on the basis statistical analysis. Yatskiv I., Kolmakova N., Gromule V.

Stochastic simulation of queues described by behavior of moving particles. Hasratova M.

A model to control a queue in a voice self-service portal with fast and slow servers. Farkhadov M., Petukhova N., Efrosinin D., Semenova O.

Regression between the polytypic data, describing behavior of complex system. Baranova I.

Laplace transformation of ergodic distribution of the step process of semi-markov random walk with delaying screen at positive point. Omarova K.

Weighted least squares method of guaranteed estimation of ARCH(p) process parameters. Burkatovskaya J., Vorobejchikov S.

Adaptive system of identification and control nonlinear stochastic dynamic objects in a class of models wiener. Bolkvadze G.

Recursive kernel estimation of the intensity function of an inhomogeneous Poisson process. Kitayeva A., Kolupaev M.

On the construction of a homogeneous standard Markov process. Dochviri B., Meladze B.