Diophantine analysis. Babayev Dj.

Discrete optimization and diophantine analysis. Babayev Dj.

Robust control: from theory to application. Petkov P.

Methods for the solution of the optimal stabilization of the stationary system by static output feedback. Aliev F., Velieva N.

About decision-making in control of selection and distribution of gas on gas fields and underground gas storages. Rzayev Y.

To the problem of optimization of industrial petrochemical reactors. Abdullaev F.,  Rzayev Y.

Approximate method for solving Boolean programming problem. Mamedov K., Mardanov S., Huseynov S.

Solution of the problem of the mixed-integer programming with one restriction. Mammadov K.

Linear-quadratic problem of optimal control for variable structure systems. Mansimov K., Yazdankhah A

Optimization problem for discontinuous systems. Guliyev S.

On impulsive optimal control problem for systems with concentrated parameters. Ashrafova Y.

On control problem in systems with concentrated parameters on the class of heavyside functions. Ashrafova Y.

Analytic synthesis of control in dynamic systems with delay argument and fuzzy TS model. Jafarov P., Zeynalov E.

Singular controls for systems with boundary conditions. Sharifov Y.

Algorithm for definition of quantity of fertilizers for achievement of necessary ratio of nutritious elements. Sabziev E., Pashayev A., Guliyev V., Mammadov A.

New efficiency using undesirable inputs of DEA. Abbasali M., Abdollah B.

Non-local optimal control problem for Manjeron generalized equation with non-smooth coefficients under separated multi-point initial boundary conditions. Mamedov I.

Application of second order methods for identifying domain boundary. Handzel A., Rahimov A., Malikov M.

On an algorithm of solving problems on optimal quick-action with phase constraint of heat conductivity process. Huseynov S., Manafli O.

One approach to solution of the problems of integer programming with one restriction-equality. Mamedov K., Vakilova N.

Postoptimal analysis of lexicographic combinatorial minimax problems. Emelichev V., Gurevsky E.

Necessary condition of the optimality of the singular controls in multipoint load carrying system. Aliyev K.

Interactive visualization of large-scale time-varying volume data over networked computers. Köse C., İkibaş C., Karadeniz M.B.

Optimization of experimental investigation of gaslift wells. Yusifov S.

Completely controllable quantum systems. Giorgadze G.

Approach to realization of mathematical models of the processes of heat exchange in vegetable storehouses. Pirova R.

Numerical analysis of the solution to a problem of optimal control by transient processes on different classes of admissible controls and at different constraints of technological character. Asadova J.

Numerical analysis of methods of solving optimal control problems with non-fixed time. Aida-zade  K., Asadova J., Suleymanov N.

On problem of control by systems with concentrated parameters on special class of control functions. Rahimov A.

Greedy algorithms with guarantee value for integer knapsack problem. Nuriyev U., Guler A.

On stages joint of modeling and decision making on controlling technological processes under constraints. Khoroshko M.

On the optimal control problem for processes represented multiparametric sequential machineries. Haciyev Y.

Fuzzy approach to socioeconomic system modeling. Imanov G.

Investigation of supply of formal education system to labour market in the direction of preparing IT specialists in Azerbaijan. Mammadova M., Jabrayilova Z.

Conceptual approach to the selection problem of job applicants and its modeling through fuzzy mathematical apparatus. Jabrayilova Z., Nobari S.

Information technology portion in entrepreneurship. Hatamizadeh A.

Theoretical research of movement mountain stream of flows. Allahverdiyeva S.

Issues of forecasting and management of economic processes in view of the factor of uncertainty in finite-dimensional vector space. Aliyev A.

Price control in selling perishable goods. Stepanova N.

Semi-recursive kernel estimation of the production function and its characteristics. Kitayeva A.,  Koshkin G.

Mean-square convergence of a kernel-type estimate of the intensity function of an inhomogeneous Poisson process. Kitayeva A.

Analysis the economical process on the basis of Solou model. Hamzayeva S.

Calculation of sectoral regional development indexes. Rzayev R., Aliyev E.

About one approach to utility function identification. Mammadov K.

Econometric model of the medical insurance services costs. Hasanli Y., Hajiyeva N.

Mathematical model of innovation process. Urasaeva L., Galimov I.

The branch processes in economy. Urasaeva L., Galimov I.

Character of links between indexes of ICT and factors of socio-economic development of countries. Iskanderov R.