SKIF supercomputers and their applications.  Ablameyko S., Abramov S., Anishchanka V., Paramonov N., Tchij O.

About cooperation in the field of information technology and publishing. Lesko L., Zorko G., Shishkina N.

Eventological principles and eventological H-theorem. Vorobyov O.

Conception of state information resources storage of Azerbaijan . Ibragimov I., Kengerlinskiy G.

Distributed net technology in ACS of water-intake knots of Oguz-Gabala water-pipe . Ibragimov I., Kengerlinskiy G.

Theory and practice of use of information and communication technologies in the pedagogical formation. Vezirov T.

On problem of expressiveness of database queries . Kulpeshov B.

Self-descriptiveness and distance on experts’ propositions in multi-valued logics and adaptation algorithms.  Vikentiev A., Vikentiev R.

SCADA management of technological process of dispensing . Jafarov S., Mammadova M.

Formation of a new educational environment by ICT means . Surhaev M.

On the implementation of dynamic reconfiguration in telecommunication networks. Dzalilov Z., Ouveysi I.

Challenging issues in dynamic reconfiguration of telecommunication networks. Dzalilov Z., Ouveysi I. 

Testing biometric systems against spoofing attacks. Imamverdiyev Y., Karimova L., Musayev V, Wayman J.

Method of calculation of the signaling traffic in network common channel system signaling at lower layer.   Ibrahimov B., Mammadov Sh.

Analysis of security vulnerabilities in biometric systems. Abdullayeva F., Imamverdiyev Y, Musayev V ., Wayman J

Fuzzy majority modelling of information security risks. Derakshandeh S., Imamverdiyev Y.

Social network modelling: retrieval correlated graphs by mobile phone’s chronological billing files. Asl H.Z.

Analysis of the biometric systems security evaluation methodologies. Shikhaliyev R., Imamverdiyev Y., Musayev V., Wayman J.

About necessity of realization of the concept electronic-science. Alguliyev R., Fataliyev T.

On the approaches of increasing the productivity of the corporal net and a criterion of data updating in cash-servers. Aliyev A., Huseynova A.

Aspects of creation of the super computer center for solution of the complex problems demanding great calculation resources in Azerbaijan. Alguliyev R., Alekberov R., Zerbaliyev T.

Improvement of anti spam technology with the help of an estimation of reliability of the sender. Nazirova S.

New anti spam methods . Nazirova S.

Method of the configuration analysis for designing industrial information systems. Abdullayeva R.

Statistical analysis of the factors influencing the translation quality of the Dilmanc MT system. Fatullayev R., Mammadova S., Fatullayev A.

Methods of modelling information system for pattern recognition and classification. Amirgaliyev Y.

Integration of information systems of the enterprises with use of the web-services concept by java technology. Amirgaliyev Y.  Jumatova G.

Algorithms of phonemes classification in field of compilative speech synthesis systems realization. Amirgaliyev Y.  Musabaev R. 

Application of page rank algorithm in evaluation of scientific articles. Hasanova R. 

Methodic of the differentiated training organization for the decision of mathematical problems with using ICT. Magomedova R.

Analysis of sentences and words used in Azerbaijani texts. Gasimov S., Ibrahimov I.

Complex estimating of the scientific activities of the researchers. Shabanov S.

Improvement of the quality of electronic contacts on the basis of complete and partial group control. Ibrahimov M.

Technology of learning development and realization of electronic educational-methodical models for the future teachers of mathematics and informatics. Vezirov T., Bakmayev Sh., Vezirov T.

About the teacher’s work of preprofile preparation of pupils. Bakmaev Sh.

Portable system control of the educational robotic complex. Bagayev D., Evsyakov A.

Analysis of numerical modeling programs of the microwave devices of telecommunication systems. Ismibeyli E., Gaziyev Y.

Ranking algorithm and its application for the document summarization. Aliguliyev R.

Estimation of image complexity for steganography and watermarking. Nabiyev V.,  Ulutaş M., Ulutaş G.

Development of autonomous topological navigation of the transportation vehicles. Formanov S.

Turkish-Azerbaijani translation module of Dilmanc MT system. Fatullayev A.,  Shagavatov S.

The architecture of the open server for interactive information and service systems. Farkhadov M.

Creation of mathematical models for research of the speech interface. Bilik R., Petukhova N., Farkhadov M.

Technologies for interpretation of remote sensing images and digital maps and their usage for applied  tasks. Ablameyko S., Kryuchkov A., Zolotoy S.

The techniques for creation of face identification systems based on SVM and HMM. Sadykhov R., Frolov I., Pavlyonok N.

Texture segmentation of satellite images by neural networks approach. Sadykhov R., Lukashevich M. 

Investigation of the design and use of artificial neural networks in the classification of remotely sensed images. Hasanov H., Suleymanov T., Gambarova E.

Maintenance of invariance of recognition of objects to linear changes of their images by the automated manufacture. Mammadov R., Aliyev T.

Creation of a knowledge base for search and designing of active Elements of flexible manufacturing systems. Huseynov A. 

The principles of construction of the Azerbaijan speech recognition system. Aida-zade K.,  Rustamov S.

Basic program of development and application of information technology in educational system of Iran. Soltani M.

Analysis of approaches to text to speech synthesis and their application to Azerbaijani language. Aida-zade K., Sharifova A.

On the some problems of information system of the optimization in agriculture. Eyubova S., Pashayev A., Sabziev E.,  Mammadov G.

Methods for translation modeling in the automatic text processing systems. Guliyeva Z. 

Information identification system for identifying people by portrait photos. Kazimov T., Mahmudova Sh.

Application of indistinct sets in FAM boring pipes for the intellectual the robot. Abdullayev G. 

Decision of applied tasks with use neural networks. Kerimov S.,  Ragimova E.

Eventological formalization of linguistic variable. Semenovа D.

Fuzzy approach to the structured method of recognition of printed and handwritten symbols. Aliyeva N., Ismayilov E.

Towards a biometric purpose image filter according to skin detection. Nabiyev V., Günay A.

Intelligent communication between hearing disabled people and visual disabled people. Nabiyev V., Bayrak S.,  Üstübioğlu A.

Evaluation of similarity among human faces. Nabiyev V.,  Bekiroğlu Y.

Extracting rules from neural networks using artificial immune systems. Allahverdi N., Kahramanli H.

Extraction of coronary vessel structures in low quality X-ray angiogram images. Köse C., İkibaş C.

Two eventological asymptotic theorems. Goldenok E., Goldenok K

Diagnostics of failures of asynchronous electric motors by methods of the position-binary analysis. Nusratov O., Seyidov P., Seyidova S.

Program complex of the pattern recognition with the help neural networks – MIRANDA MP. Bagayev D., Khrustalev P.

Application of analytical methods in risk management. Gurbanli U.

Bipartite set of random events method application in factorial analysis of complex systems. Baranova I.

Clustering of bispectral index measurements data by using the fuzzy neighborhood relations. Nasibov E.

On an approach to computer synthesis of Azerbaijan   speech. Rustamov S.,  Saadova A.

On the definition of character of nation on the basis proverbs and sayings with mathematical model. Mehdialiyev A.

Development of mathematical model of intellectual building in Baku city. Aliyev F., Mehdialiyev A., Mammadov N., Aliyev F.

Solution of problems of sinooth concatenation of speech segments in field of speech synthesis systems realization. Musabaev R.

Analysis of the modern condition problems of the recognition and classifications of the models algorithm monitoring not enough study deposits. Dzhusupov A., Makarenko N., Popova., Yelamanova G.

Secure ways of clinical data delivery and presentation to remote specialist: the problem of choice. Kartashev N.