Methods of travel time planning for delivery vans in agglomerations. Mrówczyńska B., Nowakowski P., Sładkowski A.

Approximate method for QoS analysis of wireless cellular networks with impatience calls. Kim Ch. S., Melikov A., Fattakhova M.

Prospects of nanoelectronics for information processing. Borisenko V.

Terminology work and software localization in Ukraine. Shyshkina N., Zorko G., Lesko L.

HMM-based large vocabulary continuous speech recognition system for Azerbaijani. Abbasov A., Fatullayev R., Fatullayev A.

Working out and usage of didactic complexes of informational provision of educational disciplines in the training of future teachers. Vezirov T., Saipueva E., Avdullaeva Z.

Analyses and implementation of security factors for software functioning at the security system of corporate network. Rahimov E.

Problems obtaining nanocomposite materials for superdense recording. Aliyev F., Musayev Z., Nagiyev A.

Investigation of methods of calculation signaling load created by services of multiservice telecommunication networks. Ibrahimov B., Mammadov Sh.

Investigation of the quality of functioning of terminal equipment communication networks. Ibrahimov G., Ibrahimov B., Guliyeva G.

Fuzzy models of active elements working in the flexible manufacture system. Ahmadov M., Mustafayev V., Salmanova M.

Role of multimedia means in teaching computer science. Khalilov M.

Electromagnetic communication channel for information transmission on abyssal parameters of the drilling well. Kengerli U.

Information monitoring system: a problem of linguistic resources consistency and verification. Dulina N., Kozhunova O.

Using reflection for software fault tolerance. Jalilian S., Kazimov T., Salar F.

Likelihood-time characteristics of a wireless local network. Mammadov F., Orudjeva M.

Text corpora and its role in development of the linguistic technologies for the Azerbaijani language. Mammadova S., Azimova G., Fatullayev A.

Several issues of program verification. Archvadze N., Silagadze G., Pkhovelishvili M., Shetsiruly L.

Investigation of new matrix-key function for the public cryptosystems. Megrelishvili R., Chelidze M., Besiashvili G.

Architecture of e-government information security management system. Imamverdiyev Y.

Use of information about the importance of the criteria in the solution of personnel management problems. Mammadova M., Jabrailova Z., Nobari S.

Decision making in multi-biometric systems based on fuzzy integrals. Sukhostat L., Imamverdiyev Y.

Project of creation system "Electronic University". Тalibov Sh., Rzayeva S.

Fuzzy multicriterion estimation of demand for IT- specialisties. Mammadova M., Mammadzada F.

X Expert support system of machine translation within the frame English-Azerbaijani context. Mammadova M., Mammadzada F.

Modeling quality of information systems. Abdullayeva R.

Dichotic listening: computer implementation, methodical problems, and modeling prospects. Wasserman E., Kartashev N.

Using root mean sqaure for longitudinal approaches in social networks. Alguliyev R., Imamverdiyev Y., Asl H.Z., Bazel M.

Software for processing of natural language texts. Antidze J., Gulua N.

On the improvement of control tests in mathematics using computer technology. Ibragimova N., Rakhimov G., Rihsieva U., Rakhimova M.

Stages of the development of Persian-Azerbaijani MT dictionary. Fatullayev A., Sadighian N.

Minimizing information duplication in relational databases. Kengerlinsky G.

Identification of data interrelation pattern and formation of database organization structure. Kengerlinsky G.

Processing of information security risks with ordered weighted averaging operators. Derakshande S., Imamverdiyev Y.

Development of information model of informational-analytical decision making support system. Nabibayova G.

The evaluation of the scientific output of researchers. Aliguliyev R., Hasanova R.

On methods and means of computer network monitoring. Shikhaliyev R.

About one dimension reduction method of analyzing features of network traffics used for computer networks monitoring. Shikhaliyev R.

Methods of forming parallel schemes of algorithms for SMP-architecture. Pogorilyy S., Vereshchynsky O.

Quality of service in wireless sensor networks. Lotf J.J., Hosseini S.H., Ghazani N.

Conceptual essences of creation of terminological information system in Azerbaijan. Gurbanova A.

Definition of correlation among flight parameters of the plane for restoration of flight information. Balayev N.

Tasks of development of standards of ICT-education for higher education institutions of Azerbaijan. Agayev F., Mammadova G.

On intellectualization of management of electronic documents. Hajirahimova M.

About development of knowledge base of national domain name system. Gasimova R.

Modern condition and development perspectives of cloud computing technology. Alakbarov R.

Building a heterogeneous social network of academic researchers. Ganjaliyev F.

ICT application in scientific activity: monitoring information system. Abdullayev S., Abasova S.

Development of dynamic allocation system of mail server memory among users of corporate network. Alguliyev R., Huseynova A.

Condition of application of information technology in scientific activity. Fataliyev T.

Situations created in city transport infrastructure by drivers depending on their awareness level. Alguliyev R., Abdullayev R.

Formalization representation of global information networks for synthesis. Aliyev I.

Conceptual model of water resource control system of water reservoirs. Aliyeva A.

Mechanism of classification of text spam messages collected in spam pattern bases. Nazirova S.

Open source UTM alternative: ClearOS. Akleylek S., Emmungil L., Nuriyev U.

Position-binary recognition of cyclic signals by fuzzy timing analysis of information indicators. Nusratov O., Rzayev R.

Complex of monitoring and management for oil wells with rod pump. Aliev T.,  Nusratov O., Guluyev G., Rzayev A., Pashayev F.

Automated group unit for measuring debit of a oil well on basis of piezometric method. Aliev T., Guluyev G., Rzayev A., Pashayev F., Yusifov I.

Asynchronous motors controller on basis of Atmega32 microcontrollers. Guluyev G., Rzayev A., Aliyev Y., Rizvanov M.

Intellectual "Trap" operating controller. Guluyev G., Rzayev A., Aliyev Y., Rizvanov M.

Informing knowledge control of computing design of flexible manufacturing system. Ahmadov M., Mammadov J., Huseynov A.

Methodical principles of integrated space monitoring of complex environmental systems. Zolotoy S., Romanov S., Mamedov A.

Some aspects of on line program development of seismo-acoustic signal receiving and processing. Pashayev F.

Genetic algorithm for neural network parameters optimization. Gambarova Y.

Estimation the mudflow processes in the mountain areas of Azerbaijan. Muttalibova Sh.

Calculation algorithm of the semantic distance between texts. Suleymanov A.

Definition of orientation of objects by the systems of technical vision. Mammadov r., Aliyev T.

Effective method of images segmentation of the objects which are on a non-uniform background. Khrustalev P.

Fuzzy expert system approach for determining the cardiological risk factor. Zuhtuogullari K., Allahverdi N.

Multilevel system for industrial objects status monitoring. Novikov E., Mamedov A.

Old Turkic script or Orkhon-Yenisey script. Rahimov A., Kadimov V.

Algorithm of calculation of estimates in condition of features’ correlations. Kamilov M., Fazilov Sh., Mirzaev N., Radjabov S.

Azerbaijan text-to-speech synthesis system. Aida-Zade K., Sharifova A.

Interactive speech understanding. Rustamov S., Mustafayev E.

Philosophy of information and the fundamentals of informatics. Kolin K.

Testing analog-to-digital converter for measurement of the target signal sensor controls. Isayev M., Musayev Sh., Huseynon I., Valiyev T.

Conception of an intellectual electoral system. Isayev M., Musayev Sh., Yusufova-Agabalayeva G.

Principle of limiting generalizations. Prokopchuk I.

Decision-making in definition of knowledge in the conditions of uncertainty of educational process. Shahbazova Sh., Zeynalova S.

Method of prosodic modification in the text-to-speech synthesis systems. Kalimoldaev M., Amirgaliyev Y., Mussabayev R.

Hand printed recognition system using a fuzzy neural network. Ismayilov E., Aliyeva N.

Extraction of extended objects from low-contrast images. Bushenko D., Sadykhov R.

Methods of improvement of efficiency in recognition identifications systems. Kazimov T., Mahmudova Sh.

Intellectual system for measurement pressure. Kazimov N., Khalilov S., Agayev U., Talibov N., Huseynova A.

Mathematical model of the fluid catalytic cracking for work in testing control systems for the cracking plant. Pashayeva B.

Intelligent information system of monitoring, diagnosis and prognosis of diseases in urgent therapy using carbon monoxide poisoning as an example. Mirzazada I.

Determination of magnetic field intensities of two-function electromagnetic converters. Mammadov F., Asadova R., Asad-zada S.

SCADA control of vibration technologic process. Jafarov S., Nabiyev R.

Principles of building of intellectual IMS for oil and oil products quantitative account. Nabiyev R.

Evaluation of technical objects according space survey. Rahimov R.