The article of an employee of the Institute published in a prestigious journal

08 Jule 2019 - 14:00 | Important events
The article of an employee of the Institute  published in a prestigious journal

The article "Problems arising in mobile computing clouds and solution ways " (Проблемы, возникающие в мобильных вычислительных облаках, и пути их решения) was published by the senior specialist of Department No. 4 of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS Oqtay Alakbarov in the "Телекоммуникации" journal.

The article analyzes the problems arising from the use of cloud computing based on cloud technologies and ways to solve them. At the same time, problems encountered in various parts of cloud computing for mobile devices were investigated. In a wireless broadband network, criteria were determined for the effective use of cloud computing services based on cloud networks, and a strategy was developed to address these problems.

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