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1. Nominee application 

2. Personal accounting sheet of the staff confirmed at workplace, photograph on it - 2 copies

3. Protocol statements on the approval of the dissertation subject of the Research and Coordination Council - 2 copies 

5. Protocol statements on the approval of the dissertation subject and scientific supervisor (consultant) - 2 copies 

6. Card on passing PhD exams (for the candidates for scientific degree) - 2 copies 

7. Bound copies of dissertation - in the necessary number and synopsis manuscript (title papers and synopsis manuscript coverage of all copies of dissertation - nominee signs) 

8. Approved copy about diploma of higher education of the candidates for the scientific degree of PhD (in addition, individuals trained abroad, including the CIS countries will present equivalence certificate issued by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan) - 2 copies 

Approved copy about diploma of PhD of sciences of the candidates for the scientific degree of Doctor (in addition, individuals trained abroad, including the CIS countries will present equivalence document – diploma, issued by the Commission) approved copy - 2 copies 

9. Reference of the organization where dissertation thesis implemented and/or where the nominee attached and protocol of meeting discussed the recommendation - 2 copies 

Reference shall be compiled in the form of statements of chair (laboratory, department, division) meeting and/or seminar; approved by organization chief and sealed up by the organization. The protocol shall be signed by the chairman and secretary of the meeting, their signatures shall be approved by the scientific secretary of the organization in the relevant order. 

10. Testimonial about scientific-pedagogical and production activities of the nominee - 2 copies Testimonial shall be given by the main place of work, signed by the organization (institution) chief, sealed up with emblem, and dated. 

11. Reference of scientific supervisor (consultant) - 2 copies 

12. Scientific publications list published on dissertation subject - 2 copies 

13. Scientific works, and/or their copies (including content), monographs and books shall be presented in separate folder.

13. The articles, conference materials and their electronic copies (including content), monographs and books published on the topic of the thesis shall be presented in separate folder - 2 copies

The original of scientific publications published in abroad shall be submitted. In case of absence of the original of scientific publications written information on exact address of publication web site should be added to the copy of the article and this Internet address should be mentioned in the list of scientific works. 

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