Fast and effective treatment for online addictions is possible

16 Jule 2019 - 12:18 | Interesting information
Fast and effective treatment for online addictions is possible

German experts from the University Medical Center of Mainz know how to beat the dependence on online games and the Internet, reports Medical Express. They rely on short-term cognitive behavioral therapy. Her task is to teach a person to use the Internet to study, and not to play or view pornography. After a course of such therapy, the probability of abandoning problem behavior increased 10 times.

Problem behavior is understood as the need to increase the time spent playing, a withdrawal syndrome if the game is unavailable, and another person continues to play, even if it has negative consequences. Also a characteristic symptom - a person plays more than four days in a row.

To test the approach, scientists have attracted almost 150 people with Internet addiction, including dependence on online games. 50% of volunteers underwent a new therapy, and the rest just waited for the start of therapy. So, conventional cognitive-behavioral therapy is designed to help people understand and change the destructive thinking and behavior.

Short-term cognitive-behavioral therapy included 15 weekly group sessions and up to 8 individual sessions. The whole course of treatment was divided into three phases. The first focused on learning and setting treatment goals. The second involves the introduction of therapeutic aspects in the use of the Internet. The third phase guaranteed remission and included techniques that prevent the return of harmful behavior.