Two theses were discussed at the Scientific Seminar of the institute

03 October 2014 - 14:00 | Conferences, assemblies

Two theses were discussed at the Scientific Seminar of the institute of Information Technology of ANAS. Director of the institute, acad. Rasim Alguliyev opened the event and informed about the agenda. The workshop was devoted to dissertations by the sector chief Rana Gasimova on the “Development of methods and algorithms for the synthesis of the intelligent monitoring system of domain names” and by AytanHuseynova on the “Development of the models and algorithms to improve the efficiency of the Internet services provided to the group of corporate users”.

First, R.Gasimova informed about the relevance and the goal of the thesis.

The Internet domain names had increased rapidly in recent years, mentioned R.Gasimova. Analyzing the current state of the domain names the DNS security, and technological problems of DNS, scientific-theoretical problems, related legal issues were revealed.

Afterwards, A.Huseynova presented the characteristics, structure, and other issues identified for achieving the objectives of her dissertation.

She spoke about the analysis of increasing the efficiency of the Internet services at Corporate Computer Networks (CCN), state of the art of CCN, its efficiency and quality indicators, the development of models and algorithms for optimal distribution of web resources at corporate networks and so on.

Doctors of Technical Sciences Ramiz Alguliyev and Masuma Mammadova, PhDs in engineering Rashid Alakbarov,  Vugar Musayev, Zarifa Jabrayilova, Shafagat Mahmudova, Bikas Aghayev, Farhad Yusifov, Ramiz Shikhaliyev, PhD in economics, Associate Professor Alovsat Aliyev and others took part at discussions.

Finally, taking into account the comments, the dissertation was determined to be presented  for discussion at the next stage.

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