Thesis on theme "Development of methods and algorithms for analysis of information war technology in Wiki environment" defended

16 March 2018 - 17:32 | Conferences, assemblies

The next meeting of the Dissertation Council was held at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS on March 16, 2018. Chairman of the Board,  D.Sc., Professor Alakbar Aliyev noted that the meeting  was dedicated  to the defense of  Irada Alakbarova’s thesis  titled "Development of methods and algorithms for analysis of information war technology in Wiki environment" on the specialty 3338.01 - "System Analysis, Management and Information Processing".

Then, Alakbarova informed about the objective, essence and main provisions of the thesis and noted that the issue is of great urgency in the modern era. She gave detailed information about the scientific novelty of the work on the development of methods and algorithms for the analysis of information warfare technologies, as well as the high scientific and practical significance of the approaches to the solution of the issues in order to evaluate, control and analyze the real situation in a giant virtual project like Wikipedia.

Then, academician-secretary of ANAS, academician Rasim Alguliev said that for a long time the research works were carried out at the Institute of Information Technologies of ANAS. He emphasized that these researches are of great importance in the country.

The scientist pointed out the relevance of the issue, and noted that Wikipedia, the world's most comprehensive and giant virtual encyclopedia, has become an important tool in the world of information communication. He noted that the analysis of problems related to information war technology in the vicinity and the study of the main scientific-theoretical problems of wikimetrics are of particular importance in modern times.

For this purpose, the scientist pointed out that the Wiki Center was created at the institute under the leadership of I. Alakbarova, training of wiki-groups, conducting wikimetrics research, monitoring the content of Azerbaijan in the wiki environment.

The official opponents of the thesis - D.Sc., professor Nadir Agayev and Ph.D.,  Lala Kerimova made a speech and stated that the results obtained in the dissertation were scientific novelties and made their suggestions and remarks.

Deputy director of institute , PhD., Rashid Alakbarov ,D.Sc., department heads,  corresponding members, PhDs, associate professors Ramiz Aliguliyev, Yadigar Imamverdiyev, Alovsat Aliyev noted that substantial researches are carried out to achieve the goal, the applicant had extensive practical knowledge on the subject, made a substantial research to achieve the goals set in the thesis and reported extensive practical knowledge on the topic of the plaintiff's defense. They recommended further deepening of research in this direction and the achievement of significant scientific results.

In the end, a secret ballot was held and a petition was submitted before the Supreme Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan with regard to granting a PhD degree in technical sciences.

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