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Ramiz Aliguliyev was born on March 20, 1961 in Azerbaijan.

In 1983, he received BSc and MSc degrees in applied mathematics from Baku State University, Azerbaijan.

From 1983 to 1987 he worked as an engineer at the Institute of Cybernetics (present Institute of Control Systems), Azerbaijan.

From 1988 to 2002 he worked as a leading engineer and a researcher at the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Azerbaijan.

Since 2003 he is a head of department at the Institute of Information Technology, Azerbaijan.

In 2002, he got PhD degree in mathematics from the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Azerbaijan.

In 2011, he received DSc (higher degree after PhD) degree in computer science from the Institute of Cybernetics, Azerbaijan.

In 2017, he was elected corresponding member of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences in Informatics.

 He has supervised 3 PhDs and currently supervising 7 PhD students.

 He is the author of more than 220 publications.

His research interests include:

Data mining, big data analytics, text mining, clustering, classification, social network analysis, e-government analysis, scientometrics, evolutionary and swarm intelligence algorithms.

 Main scientific achievements:

  • Suggested a number of optimization models for automatic text summarization and document clustering.
  • Developed the modifications of differential evolution and particle swarm optimization algorithms.
  • Proposed methods, based on syntactic and semantic analysis of sentences, to detect various types (word by word, paraphrasing, changing word sequence and sentence transformation) of plagiarism.
  • Proposed new text similarity measures.
  • For text summarization proposed multi-criteria optimization models to select semantic sentences from text and developed algorithms to solve the optimization problems.
  • Proposed methods for user-oriented text summarization and evaluating the students’ summary writing strategies on syntactic and semantic levels.
  • Proposed generalization of modifications of the PageRank and HITS algorithms and developed an ant-algorithm for ranking web-pages.
  • Offered models and algorithms on the basis of log-files analysis for study of web users’ activity and automatic identification of their interests.
  • Proposed models for optimal allocation of CDN (Content Delivery Network) servers and web contents in global network nodes.
  • Proposed a model and genetic algorithm for optimal assignment of tasks in a distributed computer network.
  • Proposed neural algorithm to solve linear and quadratic integer programming problems and a mixed problem for Korteweg-de Vries-Burgers equation.
  • Suggested methods and indices for evaluating the journals, papers and performance output of researchers.
  • Proposed methods for synthesis of social network of researchers and scientific organizations on the Web.
  • Developed an algorithm for ranking of actors on social networks.
  • Proposed modification of the fuzzy VIKOR and weighted version of the fuzzy TOPSIS methods for personnel evaluation.
  • Proposed methods for detection of hidden social networks in Wiki and e-government.
  • Developed effective algorithms for big data clustering.
  • Developed algorithms for anomaly detection in big data.
  • Proposed methods, based on sentiment, semantic and syntactic analysis of sentences, for user-oriented text summarization.
  • Proposed methods, based on sentiment and semantic analysis of citizens’ opinions, to assess the satisfaction level of citizens with e-government services and determine their interest.
  • Proposed a constrained non-smooth optimization model for finding compact and well-separated clusters.


He is a member of editorial board of the following journals:



He is a reviewer a lot of journals and conferences.

He has been being a member of the program/organizing committees of more than 30 international and local conferences.

In 2020-2023, Ramiz Aliguliyev was listed among the top 2% scientists in the world identified by Stanford University.

In 2014, he was awarded with “Taraggi” medal by the decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

In 2013, under the framework of the “ICT year” in the “3rd ICT Contest Competition” held by the Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan jointly with the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies, his article “Differential evolution with self-adaptive mutation and crossover parameters for multi-document summarization” was awarded the 1st place for the best scientific work published in ICT field.


Google Scholar:



ResearcherID: A-1072-2013





Information about scientific works


Office phone:  (+994 12) 510 43 99
Fax:  (+994 12) 539 61 21
Mobil phone:  (+994 70) 361 95 97
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