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  • Rasim Mahammad Alguliyev was born on January 20, 1958, in Barda district, Azerbaijan Republic.
  • In 1979, he graduated from the faculty of "Automation and Computer Engineering" of the Azerbaijan Polytechnic Institute named after Ch.Ildirim (present Azerbaijan Technical University) with a degree in "Systems engineering".
  • In 1979–1986, he worked as an engineer and senior engineer, Komsomol secretary at the Institute of Cybernetics of Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences (present Institute of Control Systems of ANAS).In 1983-1986, he completed his PhD in "Automated control systems" at the Institute of Cybernetics of Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences.
  • In 1986, he was transferred to the Department of Automated Control Systems (ACS) of Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences.
  • In 1986–2001, he worked at positions of senior engineer, leading engineer, chief engineer of the project "Republican network of computing centers and data transmission", technical director – deputy director at the Department of ACS (in 1997, on the basis of ACS Department was established Information-Telecommunication Scientific Center).
  • Since 2002, he is the director of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS (the institute was established on the basis of Information-Telecommunication Scientific Center in 2002) and since 2021, the director-general of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS. He is doctor of technical sciences, professor, full member (academician) of ANAS.
  • In 2007 he was elected a corresponding member of ANAS on the specialty "Informatics", and in 2014 he was elected a full member (academician) of ANAS.
  • In 2013–2019, he was academician-secretary of ANAS.
  • In 2019, he was elected vice-president of ANAS.
  • In 2009, he was awarded with "Taraggi" medal by the decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
  • In 2019, he was awarded with the medal ""100th anniversary of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic (1918-2018)".
  • He is married, has a daughter and a son.


Contact information:

Office phone: (+994 12) 5390167
Fax: (+994 12) 5396121
Mobile phone: (+994 50) 2156432


Address:  Az1141, Baku, B. Vahabzadeh str. 9A, Institute of Information Technology of ANAS.

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  • Architectural principles, methods and algorithms were developed for the synthesis of multiprocessor packet switching centers performing adaptive routing function as the consequence of PhD thesis defended within the framework of joint research conducted by the Institute for Problems of Information Transmission of USSR Academy of Sciences in 1985–1990.
  • Postdoctoral thesis was defended on “Models and methods for information security in computer networks” as the consequence of research conducted by the Institute of System Analysis of Russian Academy of Sciences in 1995–2003.
  • The following research results were obtained from the postdoctoral thesis:.
    • Several approaches were proposed for the formation concept and realization of the national (corporate) information security system;
    • Scientific-methodological bases, architectural principles, models and algorithms were developed for synthesis of adaptive systems of functional modules with distributed infrastructure for information security in corporate networks;
    • Conceptual basics of generation of virtual private networks with changing structure (chameleon) to increase information security level of corporate users’ group in open computer networks, and models and methods for their synthesis were developed;
    • Methods and algorithms were developed against the threats of different types in computer systems and networks;
    • Models and algorithms were developed to select the optimal structures of distributed authentication systems of virtual private networks and providing their fault tolerance.   
    • The obtained scientific results are important for the development of the scientific and theoretical basis of Cloud and SDN technologies, which have recently been widely studied to solve the virtualization problem of the network resources. 
  • Architectural principles and methods were proposed for the synthesis of special intelligent network to fight with spams of various types on national, corporate and individual levels.
  • Models and algorithms were developed for the synthesis of distributed computing environments on the Internet-platform, and for designing dynamically formed intelligent content-servers network using CDN technology.
  • For the synthesis of e-commerce systems, models and algorithms were proposed for the customer classification, optimal distribution of servers and their resources and business data.
  • Various models, methods and algorithms have been developed to solve the problems of intellectual analysis, abstraction, classification, and clustering of texts (Data mining), as well as Big Data.
  • Optimization models and algorithms, as well as the generalization of PageRank algorithm were proposed to improve the quality of information retrieval systems on the Internet.
  • Approaches and methods were developed for personal data mining, social networks analysis, secret protection, monitoring, evaluation, on-line management of the society and its security in e-government.
  • Multidisciplinary research has been conducted on information society formation, its different segments (e-science, e-education etc.) and aspects (information culture, information economy, etc.) and conceptual approaches and suggestions were proposed.
  • Approaches and models were proposed for extraction and analysis of social networks for various purposes in an online environment.
  • Methods and algorithms were developed to detect the manifestations of information warfare on the Internet.
  • Models and algorithms were proposed to improve QoS of ad hoc and sensor networks.
  • He is focused on the identification of the current scientific and theoretical issues of information technology and computer science and their transformation to the country.
  • R.Alguliyev advised 4 Doctor of Sciences (DSc) and supervised 31 PhD students. He is currently advising 8 DSc and supervising 12 PhD theses. 


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  • He closely participated in the development of national computing centers and data transfer networks within the framework of the program on the “Development of Automated Control Systems of the Republic of Azerbaijan” in the 80s and 90s of the previous century.
  • He closely participated in the development and application of national innovative products and strategic high technology serving to improve defense capability of the country.
  • He closely participates in the implementation of several strategically important national projects, and the formation and development of national Internet infrastructure.
  • He closely participated in the implementation and development of “Virtual Silk Highway” project supported by the NATO, which provides Internet access for national research institutions and universities. 
  • He closely participated in the realization of national strategies, government programs, laws and decrees adopted for the formation of the information society.
  • He closely participated in the formation and development of e-science in the country, the formation of e-infrastructure AzScienceNet and improved it according to European standards.
  • He closely participated in computerization of institutes and organizations of ANAS, development of various web resources, information systems, and Internet access.
  • He closely participated in the creation and development of Data Center in AzScienceNet, its resource virtualization, and providing supercomputing and cloud services to the institutions and researchers.
  • He is a member of the GEANT General Assembly (pan-European Research and Education Networking).
  • He is representative of Azerbaijan in the EaPConnect project to expand the capacity of scientific and educational networks of the EU4Digital: Eastern Partnership countries and accelerate their integration into world science within the framework of the European Commission's Eastern Partnership Program.
  • Representative of Horizon 2020 GN: 4-3 project in Azerbaijan

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  •  In 2002, he was director of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, since 2021 he is director-general of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS.
  • In 2007-2021 he was the chairman of the "Problems of the Information Society" department at the Institute of Information Technologies of ANAS, and since 2021 he is the head of the "Problems of Information Security" department.
  • He is the chairman of the seminar "Actual problems of information society and technologies" at the institute.
  • He is a Chairman of Scientific Council on "Physics, Mathematics and technical sciences" under the Council for Organization and Coordination of Scientific Research of Azerbaijan Republic.
  • He is the chairman of the dissertation council at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS.
  • He is a member of programs and organization committees and head of sections of various national and international scientific conferences and symposiums on Information technology problems.


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  • He has been a professor of Azerbaijan Technical University and Azerbaijan State Oil Academy. He delivered lectures on theoretical and technological basis of the development of computer systems and networks, information society and information security.
  • Since 2008, in the education system of Azerbaijan, he was the initiator and lecturer of the subject "Fundamentals of the Information Society" at the "Journalism" faculty of Baku State University.
  • He is the organizer of the Training-Innovation Center established at the Institute of Information Technologies of ANAS in 2002 in the framework of the Doctor of Philosophy training in the Republic on the subject of "Informatics".
  • In the framework of the reforms implemented by the Ministry of Education, he is closely involved in adapting the programs of "Informatics" and other IT-oriented subjects in higher and secondary schools to modern requirements, developing electronic textbooks, updating the terminological base, and he also provides scientific and methodological advice.


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  • Member of the editorial board of the National Encyclopedia of Azerbaijan.
  • Elected a member of the Coordinating Council of World Azerbaijanis at the 3rd Congress of World Azerbaijanis.
  • Member of the "Coordination Commission for Information Security" of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
  • Member of the New Azerbaijan Party.


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  Classification of publications

      The total number of publications: 651

      Journal articles: 385

  •  in international journals: 252
  •  in national journals: 133

      Papers in conference proceedings: 217

  • in international conference proceedings: 157
  • in national conference proceedings: 60

      Monographs: 4

      Scientific surveys and booklets: 28

      Textbooks: 9

      Dictionaries and encyclopedias: 4

      Inventions and patents: 4

    Number of papers indexed in "Web of Science": 187
    Number of papers indexed in "Scopus": 118

     References to scientific works:


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