Two theses discussed at the Dissertation Council's seminar

17 January 2018 - 14:00 | Important events

The next seminar of the Dissertation Council was held at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS.  Helding with the chairmanship of  head of department, corresponding member of ANAS, doctor of technical sciences, professor Masuma Mammadova and academic secretaryship of head of department, corresponding member of ANAS, doctor of technical sciences Ramiz Aliguliyev the event devoted to discussion of theses on 3338.01 - "System analysis, management and information processing" specialty.

Prior to presenting the thesis, Irada Alakbarov, the sector chief  of the institute, highlighted the issues of the relevance of the thesis, goals and tasks. The thesis consists  of 4 chapters, key findings, 155 lists of literature and addendum, she said. 21 scientific works,2 books and 2 express-information were published on the subject .

I. Alakbarova gave information about the research methods, the main provisions of defense, scientific innovations, practical importance of the work. Problems arising from the implementation of information war (IW) technologies in the wiki- environment and the ways of their solution were identified, a method to detect conflict-prone wiki pages that caused the information war was  developed, clustered content wiki pages, detection of hidden social networks that capture Information war in the wiki environment and the proper structuring of multimedia files and methods and algorithms were developed to effectively utilize them, and experiments were conducted to verify the obtained results, she noted.

Then, aspirant Gulnara Abbasova presented the thesis on the subject "Development of Optimal control model and algorithm of fluid supply systems in non-smooth relief areas". The main goal is to develop a model and algorithm for the synthesis of a complex automated intelligent information management system that provides optimal water supply, irrigation and agrotechnical work for the establishment of tea seeding areas in the uninhabited relief areas of Azerbaijan, she said.

Following the presentation, the aspirants answered numerous questions. Corresponding members of ANAS, Doctor of technical sciences, prof. Masuma Mammadova and doctor of sciences, prof. Ismayil Ismayilov, Correspondent member of ANAS Ramiz Aliguliyev, doctor of sciences , prof. Bayram Ibrahimov, doctor of sciences Makrufa Hajirahimova, doctor of sciences Shafagat Mahmudova, doctor of sciences, associate professor Mehman Huseynov, doctor of sciences Gulara Muradova and doctor of sciences, associate professor Fadai Ganjaliyev and doctor of sciences Bikas Aghayev assessed  the the scientific results and made their suggestions.

Reviews on both topics were mentioned. At the end voting was held and it was unanimously advised to move the theses to the next stage.

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