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In 1979 Shafagat Jabrail Mahmudova graduated from the “Applied mathematics” faculty of Azerbaijan State University named after S.M.Kirov.

In 1979 she was accepted for employment as a programmer to the Institute of Cybernetics of Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences and addresses issues of establishment of automated control systems.

In 1983 she was transferred as senior engineer to the Automated Control Systems Department of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences and later appointed as leading engineer. She participated in the development of software of multi-purpose information exchange systems between Electronic Computers, as well as different ACS.

She has established multi-purpose database control systems “Polyclinic”, “Education”, “Human resources”, corporate information system “Training Innovation Center”, "Recognition" automated identification system, "Project Registration" information retrieval system on the Journals of  Problems of Information Technology and Information Society. 

Sh. Mahmudova defended the thesis on the "Development of methods and algorithms for human face recognition based on photo-portraits" in the specialty 3338.01 - "System analysis, control and information processing" and gained  Ph.D. degree in Technical sciences.

She is an author of 55 articles and 49 theses. 57 of them were published in international journals. She is also an author of 4 books.

From 1998 to 2011, she taught “Informatics” at the “Applied Mathematics” faculty of Baku State University. 

She is a member and reviewer of editorial board Pattern Recognition Letter”, “Bionics of  Intelligence”, “International Journal of Intelligent Information Processing” (IJIIP), “Communications”, “International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Management”, “Biomedical Statistics and Informatics”, "Pattern Recognition", "International Journal of Automation and Power Engineering (IJAPE)", "Journal of Control Engineering and Technology (JCET)", "Humanities and Social Sciences Letters“, "British Journal of Applied Science & Technology“, “International Journal of Media and Communication”, “Journal of Big Data” journals and Gconference.Net portal and  “International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR)”, “International Journal of Engineering and Industries” and “Review of Computer Engineering Research”.

In 2016, she was awarded the title of associate professor by the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

She teaches at the “Training Innovation Center” of the ANAS Institute of Information Technology.

Currently, she works as a chief engineer at the Institute and she is working on her doctoral thesis on "Development of Methods and Models for the Synthesis of Intelligent Software Systems".

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