The institute to conduct researches in various scientific fields

27 February 2015 - 16:30 | Conferences, assemblies

Scientific Board of the Institute of Information Technology (IIT) of ANAS discussed research activities of the departments in the current year.

Academician secretary of ANAS, Academician Rasim Aiguliyev made keynote speech and informed about the agenda.

Head of Department No. 15, Doctor of Technical Sciences Masuma Mammadova submitted action plan of the department for the current year. The research on scientific and theoretical foundations of e-medicine formation will be continued, and related concepts to be developed, she said.

The action plan of the department No. 16 was presented by the chief sector Afruz Gurbanova.  She talked about the research work to be carried out by the employees of the department this year.

The action plan of the department No. 17 was presented by the chief sector Rasim Mammadov. 15 doctoral and PhD students will conduct research on various topical issues of "Information Technology" and "Information Society" at the department, he mentioned.

Head of Department No. 18 of the institute Anar Samidov submitted the action plan of the department, and noted that the surveys on 3D technologies, capabilities, and technological aspects and perspectives will be continued in the current year, and methods and algorithms will be developed in order to increase the efficiency of advertising and marketing in the Internet, as well.

Then, the head of the Training Innovation Centre (TIC) of the institute Rasmiyya Mahmudova presented the action plan for 2015, TIM-in on for the current year noted that the work of the research will be carried out in the center. The development of the methods and algorithms for the evaluation of information culture of the personality will be concluded, and some researches on the informatization of education problems will be continued, she said.

In the end, questions and suggestions were performed.

Discussed plan projects were approved by the Scientific Board members.

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