Rasmiyya Sharif Mahmudova was born in 1967.
In 1990, she graduated from “Applied mathematics” faculty of Azerbaijan State University named after S.M.Kirov.
In 1990 she was assigned to ANAS Automated Control Systems Department (currently Institute of Information Technologies), and there she was accepted for employment as an engineer. She worked as part-programming engineer, leading programmer, research officer etc. During those years, she actively participated in establishment of several automated control systems at the institute.
She has been working at the Institute's Training Innovation Center since 2004. She is dealing with formation of information culture in the educational environment, development of technological bases of electronic teaching resources, increasing teachers' ICT training issues in the direction of problems of informatization of educational process.
She dealt with creation of different programs, as well as corporate information systems “Education Center” and “Warehouse”.
She conducts scientific-research work on issues of creation of new education models and is a respondent of the institute.
She Closely participates organization of conferences, organization of computer courses for teachers and educators, as well as organization and conduct of various competitions and competitions In the course of the implementation of the tasks outlined in the State Program on Informatization of the Education System in the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2008-2012.
She is a member of the "E-Learning Resources Assessment Council" established under the Ministry of Education.
She is the author of 39 scientific works and one thesis.
In 2015, she was awarded the Honorary Decree of the Department of Physics, Mathematics and Technical Sciences of ANAS for her long-term scientific and scientific-organizational activity.
Currently she is the chairman of Training-Innovation Center of the Institute of Information Technology.
Information about scientific works
Office phone : (994 12) 5100759
E-mail: training_center@iit.science.az