Meeting with the Senior manager for International Liaisons Leonie Schaefer

22 Mai 2019 - 16:22 | Meetings

At the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, a meeting was held with Leonie Schaefer, Senior manager for International Liaisons (DFN). Vice-president of ANAS, director of the Institute of Information Technology, academician Rasim Alguliyev, deputy technical director of the institute, PhD Rashid Alakbarov, scientific secretary of the institute Madina Saidova, corresponding member of ANAS, doctor of sciences Masuma Mammadova, corresponding member of ANAS, doctor of technical sciences Ramiz Aliguliyev and  head of department, PhD Babak Nabiyev attended the meeting. 

The main objective of her visit is to support the integration of the Institute of Information Technology into GEANT's GN4-3 as well as some other projects and discuss the priorities and existing problems for further cooperation within the EapConnect project.

Noting that access to the Internet was first implemented in this institute in Azerbaijan in 1991, R. Alguliyev informed about the AzScienceNet network of the institute, which has great opportunities for the integration of science and education in the country.

The director of the institute also informed about the Training -Innovation Center of the organization and emphasized the implementation of ICT education in the center.

At the end of the meeting, Leonie Schafer praised the innovative conditions created in the institute, particularly the opportunities of AzScienceNet.

Then the guest was closely acquainted with the institute's Scientific Researches, Training Innovation Center, Distant Learning and Electronic Library Centers, "Information Technologies" publishing house, as well as AzScienceNet science computer network and its Data Center.

Then an event was held with the participation of specialists of the institute. At the event, Leonie Schafer delivered presentations on the GEANT Association and its services, GN4-3 and GN4-3N projects.

She noted that the GEANT Association, which 10,000 institutes and 50 million academics have joined, supports the participation of European Union-funded projects, supports collaboration among researchers, manages Pan-European infrastructure and provides numerous research services. Its service areas include network-based security, memory, and cloud, real-time interaction and professional services, and physical fields, environmental, energy, health, nutrition, social science and e-infrastructures.

L. Schaefer informed about GEANT's GN4-3 and GN4-3N projects to be implemented by 2022, emphasizing that these projects have 39 partner organizations in 42 countries.

The speaker emphasized that GEANT supports high-performance networking services like perfsonar, eduPERT, GEANT CERT. She also provided detailed information on Eduroam, inAcademia, eduTEAMS, EduGAIN, AARC services.

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