MCDM for Candidate Selection in E-Voting

03 April 2019 - 14:44 | Important events
MCDM for Candidate Selection in E-Voting

An article  “MCDM for Candidate Selection in E-voting”  was published in “International Journal of Public Administration in the Digital Age”  journal. 

The authors of the article are academician-secretary of ANAS, director of the institute, academician Rasim Alguliyev, department heads - Ph.D. in technical sciences Farhad Yusifov and a correspondent member of ANAS, doctor of technical sciences Ramiz Aliguliyev.

E-voting is one of the most important components of e-democracy and forms the basis of a democratic governance system. Voting results always lead to a broad debate in terms of candidate selection and whether the candidate elected to a position is suitable for that position. At present, the selection of qualified personnel and their appointment to responsible positions in public administration is one of the topical issues. In this article is proposed an MCDM for selection of candidates in e-voting. Criteria for the candidates' selection are determined and the relation of each candidate to other candidates is assessed using a binary matrix. Candidate rating is calculated according to all criteria. A numerical experiment is provided for candidate evaluation on the base of the selected criteria and ranked according to the importance of the criteria. The proposed model allows selecting a candidate with competencies based on the criteria set out in the e-voting process and making more effective decisions.

The journal, published by IGI Global publishing house, one of the world's most reputable publishers, is indexed in the Web of Science.

It should be noted that the article was prepared within the grant project of the Science Development Fund under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan (No EIF-KETPL-2-2015-1 (25) -56 / 05/1).

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