Thesis on “Development of Methods and Algorithms for Evaluation Researchers’ Scientific Works"

14 December 2018 - 09:15 | Conferences, assemblies

The next meeting of the Dissertation Board was held at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS on December 13.

Academician-Secretary of ANAS, Director of the Institute of Information Technology, academician Rasim Alguliev gave information on the issues on the agenda. The scientist said that the meeting was devoted to the defense of thesis “Development of Methods and Algorithms for Evaluation Researchers’ Scientific Works" on the specialty 3338.01 - "System Analysis, Management and Information Processing" by Rahila Hasanova, who claims to obtain a Ph.D. degree in technical sciences.

Rahila Hasanova presented the thesis, pointed out the urgency of the work, the scientific novelty of the research, the purpose, the main provisions put to defense, and the issues determined to achieve the goal.

The increase in the number of scientific works and journals in recent years creates a need for a new mechanism for their quality evaluation. This assessment is reflected in science-metrics that considered to be a part of science, she emphasized.

The new weighted consensus index for evaluating the researchers' scientific work,  the ArticleRank algorithm to evaluate scientific journals, as well as, the new hybrid algorithm for the evaluation of research articles, she highlighted. 

Rahila Hasanova answered many questions about the research.

Doctor of technical sciences, Ramiz Aliguliyev, corresponding member of ANAS, said that the topic is dedicated to actual issues. The researcher noted that research on the evaluation scientific works of researchers is a novelty for the field of science and that the proposed approaches are of practical importance.

The opponents, doctor of technical sciences, professor Nadir Agayev, Ph.D. in technical sciences, associate professor Nazli Hasanova made a speech and stated that the results obtained in the dissertation work were scientific novelties and made their suggestions and remarks.

Academician Rasim Alguliev, Deputy Chairman of the Dissertation Board, doctor of technical sciences, professor Alakbar Aliyev, D.Sc., professor Masuma Mammadova,  PhDs, associate professors  Zarifa Jabrailova and Yadigar Imamverdiyev gave questions and made their suggestions and remarks.

At the end of the seminar, a secret ballot was held and a petition was submitted before the Supreme Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan with regard to grant a Ph.D. degree in technical sciences.

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