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Zarifa Gasim Jabrayilova was born in 1961.

In 1984, she graduated from the faculty of "Automation and computing technique" of the Azerbaijan Polytechnic Institute named after Ch. Yildirim with honor diploma.

In 1984, she was appointed to the Department of Automated Control Systems of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.

In 1988, she entered the postgraduate study at the Cybernetics Institute, in 1996 she defended her dissertation work on the specialty 05.13.14 - "Information processing and control systems" on the theme "Methods of decision-making in the organization management systems". She is a Ph.D. in Technical Sciences and received her assistant professor scientific degree in 2004.

Supporting individual and collective decision-making in human resources management through the use of artificial intelligence technology in the solution of difficult formalized problems, demographic forecasting, assessment of income of different social groups, forecasting trends in the labor market, intellectual management of human resources in the IT segment of labor market, development of evaluation and management mechanisms for demand and supply of personnel, etc. conceptual and scientific-theoretical approaches to solving issues were developed, methods and models based on fuzzy logic methods were proposed.

She is the author of more than 140 scientific articles and a  monograph. 75 of these, were published in foreign scientific journals.

She is involved in a pedagogical activity at the Training Innovation Center of the Institute of Information Technology.

She is the responsible editor of the "Problems of Information Technologies" journal published by the Institute.

She is a member of the Editorial Board of the "Information Society Problems" journal published by the Institute.

She is the secretary of the Institute's scientific workshop.

In 2015, she was awarded the Honorary Decree of the Department of Physics, Mathematics and Technical Sciences of ANAS for his long-term scientific and scientific-organizational activities.

She works as a senior research fellow at the Institute.

 Information about scientific works


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