Thesis on the theme “Development of methods and algorithms for synthesis of network security intelligence monitoring system” was defended

25 Mai 2018 - 17:00 | Conferences, assemblies

The next meeting of the Dissertation Board was held at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS on May 25. Honored Teacher of the Azerbaijan Republic, Doctor of technical sciences, professor Alakbar Aliyev noted that seminar was dedicated to the defense of Babek Nabiyev’s disertation work on the topic of “Development of methods and algorithms for synthesis of network security intelligence monitoring system” for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Technology on the specialty 3338.01 –“System Analysis, Management and Information Processing”.

The scientific secretary of the Dissertation Board, PhD in technical sciences, associate professor Ramiz Shikhaliyev presented the documentation of the applicant B.Nabiev to the members of the Board.

Firstly, the head of the sector Babek Nabiyev presented the thesis on the theme "Development of methods and algorithms for synthesis of network security intelligence monitoring system". He said that the growth of computer networks, the increased number of network services and equipment, and its functional capabilities make it difficult to ensure its security. The lack of comprehensive information on network security situations and the in-line time constraint make the decision-making process deeper.

The speaker noted that the main purpose of the thesis is to develop methodologies and algorithms for the synthesis of the intelligent monitoring system, allowing for operational assessment of the real security of the network security, early detection of security policy violations, and rapid response to events.

He gave detailed information about the issues put forward in the thesis, the practical significance of the work, novelty, and its approbation. The speaker noted the conceptual model for intellectual security monitoring in the research work, the clusterization method that defines the profile of users for detecting abnormal and non-profile traffic in computer network traffic, and the multi-classification model for network traffic classification.

B.Nabiyev noted that the scientific-theoretical and practical results were applied in the information security and monitoring system of AzScienceNet network of ANAS.

Then applicant answered related questions.

Academician-secretary of ANAS, director of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, academician Rasim Alguliev noted the importance of the dissertation work. He noted that research on distributed intelligent technologies related to the synthesis of the Intelligent Network Security System was a novelty for the field of science and that the proposed conceptual model, methodology and algorithms were of great practical significance.

R. Shikhaliyev informed about the dissertation and opinions about the summary.

Official opponents onthe dissertation - corresponding member of ANAS, doctor of technical sciences Ramiz Aliguliyev and PhD on technical sciences, associate professor Zafar Jafarov stated that the results obtained in the dissertation were scientific novelties. Scientists noted that the research meet the requirements for the dissertation submitted for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy on Technical Sciences by the Higher Attestation Commission and put forward their suggestions and recommendations.

Deputy Director on Technologies Doctor of technical sciences, PhD, associate professor Rashid Alakbarov, Corresponding member of ANAS and Professors Ramiz Aliguliyev and Masuma Mammadova, Nadir Agayev, Ph.D. in technical sciences, associate professor Yadigar Imamverdiyev, PhD in economics, associate professor Alovsat Aliyev stated that he has conducted extensive research to achieve the goal of the dissertation and has extensive practical knowledge on the topic.

After hearing the closing words of the applicant, a secret ballot was held and B.Nabiyev was offered for granting a PhD degree before the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

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