The cooperation between the Institute and Kharkov National Radio Electronic University discussed

13 April 2018 - 14:00 | Meetings

At the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, a meeting was held with academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Applied Radio and Electronics, Vice President for International Cooperation of Kharkov National Radio and Electronics University, Honored Scientist of Azerbaijan, Doctor of Sciences, Professor Murad Omarov. The main goal was to discuss the prospects for academic cooperation between the Institute and Kharkov National Radio Electronic University.

Academician-secretary of ANAS, academician Rasim Alguliev, deputy director on technology of the institute, doctor of technical sciences, associate professor Rashid Alakbarov, head of department, correspondent member of ANAS, professor Masuma Mammadova, head of department, correspondent member of ANAS Ramiz Aliguliyev, scientific secretary Madina Saidova  and head of international relations department, PhD Vugar Musayev were attended meeting.

First of all, academician Rasim Alguliev noted that the establishment and strengthening of international scientific cooperation relations for each scientific-research institution, which serves the integration of science and education, is one of the priority issues of the institute. The scientist talked about the work carried out in the field of information technology and research on various aspects of the information society and the development of cooperation.  

The academician said that relations between Azerbaijan and Ukraine exist - in political, economic, scientific and other spheres.  The Institute has close relations with the Institute of Cybernetics named after V. Glyushkov, as well as other scientific-research institutions of Ukraine, it is important to continue these relations with them, he noted.

The continuation of scientific cooperation between the two countries opens up opportunities for presenting the achievements of science in Azerbaijan to the Ukrainian public and further strengthening the diaspora activity.

Then, Murad Omarov, as a member of the diaspora organization, spoke about the expansion of scientific relations with educational institutions of different countries, his work on development of science, education projects and exchange of experience in this field.

He expressed his interest in joint research and establishments of cooperation with the Institute of Information Technology. He underlined the importance of continuing contacts between the scientific institutions of the two countries, the exchange of personnel and experience and participation in joint research.

Holding joint conferences and participating in grants, research on cyber security and electronic security, as well as exchange of experience in journals on representation will play an important role in increasing the effectiveness of future activities of both organizations, R. Alguliyev noted.

In the end, discussions were held, questions were answered. An agreement was reached on signing a memorandum to establish scientific relationships between the two bodies.

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