Thesis on theme "Development of optimal control models and algorithms of fluid supply systems in non-smooth relief areas" defended

18 March 2018 - 16:40 | Conferences, assemblies

The next meeting of the Dissertation Council was held at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS on 16 March. Chairman of the board, academician-secretary of ANAS, director of the institute, academician Rasim Alguliev said that a meeting was dedicated to the defence Gulnara Abbasova’s thesis  titled "Optimal control model and algorithm of fluid supply systems in non-smooth relief areas" on 3338.01 – "Systematic analysis, management and information processing"  speciality.

The academic secretary of the Dissertation Board, PhD, associate professor Ramiz Shikhaliyev acquainted the members of the council with the documentation of the applicant  G.Abbasova.

G.Abbasova, who presented the thesis , spoke about the relevance, purpose, scientific novelty of the work,  research issues, research methods and practical importance.  The main goal is to develop models and algorithms for the synthesis of a complex automated intelligent information management system that provides optimal water supply, irrigation and agrotechnical works for the establishment of tea seeding areas in the uninhabited relief areas of Azerbaijan.

The research examines the current problems on the comparative analysis of existing water sources, irrigation methods for irrigation of sown areas in Azerbaijan's uneven relief areas, the selection of the optimal route of automated water supply system pipelines in non-relief areas and the design of optimal working regimes, the general structure of the automated water supply system operating in relief areas and the management algorithm, the non-fuzzy management algorithm for efficient irrigation of tea plantations in non-relief areas, as well as the automated water supply system of tea plantations in the uninhabited relief territories of Azerbaijan, she noted.

Scientific supervisor, doctor of technical sciences, professor Alesker Iskenderov made a speech on thesis. He pointed out that great importance is given to the development of methods and management algorithms that effectively formulate water distribution and distribution in systems that operate in non-slippery areas.

The opponents of the thesis- corresponding member of ANAS, doctor of technical sciences, professor Masuma Mammadova and PhD, associate professor Nizami Jafarov stated that the results obtained in the thesis were scientific novelties and voiced their suggestions and remarks.

Academician Rasim Alguliev, corresponding member of ANAS,  Dr.Sc., Ramiz Aliguliyev, doctor of technical sciences, professor Javanshir Mammadov, PhD Yadigar Imamverdiyev, PhD, associate professor  Alovsat Aliyev, PhD, Dr.Sc., professor Mahammad Ahmadov recommended to carry out substantive researches in order to achieve the objective of the thesis and to further deepen research in this area in the future.

In the end, a secret ballot was held and a petition was submitted before the Supreme Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan with regard to granting a PhD degree in technical sciences.

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