Scientometrics and e-science formation are studied

29 January 2015 - 14:54 | Conferences, assemblies
Scientometrics and e-science formation are studied

An action plan of Department No 3 of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS for 2015 was discussed. Head of department Tahmasib Fataliyev presented the plan and said that the staff of the department is intending to study the issues of management and assessment of science according to "Register for Scientific Issues", to develop new evaluation mechanisms, to explore the emergence of e-science, state of the art and development trends, to develop mechanisms to solve problems and etc.

Noting the work to be carried out within the framework of scientific innovation activity Mr.Fataliyev mentioned that the researches on the grant project financed by the Science Development Fund under the President of AR will be continued.

Furthermore, the speaker touched upon scientific-pedagogical and scientific-organizational activity of the research fellows, and participation in national and international scientific-practical conferences, as well as publication of scientific papers in international and national journals.

The report was discussed, suggestions and recommendations were made.

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