Tahmasib Khanahmad Fataliyev was born on 1948.

In 1970 he graduated with honors from the “Automation and Computer Engineering” faculty of Azerbaijan Polytechnic University named after C.Ildirim.

In 1971, he continued his scientific activity at the Institute of Cybernetics of the Academy of Sciences, Space Research production Association, later in the Automated Control Systems Department.

He researched the design of specialized computing devices, local, corporate network and information systems, databases, information processing and maintaining, developed various corporate information systems.

He participated in the creation of AzSienceNet science computer network and the application of ICT in that network and design of the first www.science.az portal of ANAS.

He is closely involved in projects implemented in the field of Information Society in the country. He conducts  researches in the direction of  investigation and practical realization of scientific-theoretical problems of "electronic science", formation of information science and evaluation of scientific activity.

He is the author of 90 scientific works. In addition, His papers covers ICT and information society issues.

He is  a member of the Veterans Council of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS and the trade union committee of the institute.

In 2005, he was awarded with the "Honorary Decree" of ANAS and “Taraggi” medal in 2011.

Currently he is working at the post of department chief at ANAS Institute of Information Technologies.

 Information about scientific works

Business phone: (994 12) 5397217
Home phone: (994 12) 3764544
Cell phone: (994 50) 3484746
E-mail: depart3@iit.science.aztfataliyev@gmail.com