Researchers of the Institute of Information Technology were sent to the Czech Republic

06 November 2014 - 12:44 | Important events

Within the framework of the grant project financed by the Science Development Fund under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, heads of departments of the Institute of Information Technology (ITI) of ANAS, Doctor of engineering Ramiz Aliguliyev and PhD in engineering Yadigar Imamverdiyev were on the research trip in the Czech Republic, on October 27-31. The goal of the visit was to get familiar with the infrastructure, network services and research activities of CESNET - Czech National Research and Education Network.

CESNET director, prof. Ian Gruntorad was presented recommendation letter of the director of IIT of ANAS, academician-secretary of ANAS, acad. Rasim Alguliev, as well as some official information about IIT of ANAS.

R.Aliguliyev and Y.Imamverdiyev gave detailed information about the main activities of the institute, as well as AzScienceNet services (hosting, e-mail, e-library, distance learning, Cloud Computing, AzScienceCERT, eduroam etc.). Prof. I.Gruntorad remained science his visit to Baku in the 1990s, in regard to science networking, and spoke about the implementations in the sphere of grant projects, plagiarism detection, and biometrical technology.

Later, the guests met with CESNET network monitoring and information security manager Dr. Tom Kosnar and the fellows of the departments.

The prospects of cooperation between the two bodies, implementation of joint projects, exchange of experiences and personnel were discussed, and a memorandum of understanding was decided to be signed.

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