The Institute of Information Technology held scientific seminar

08 October 2014 - 13:16 | Conferences, assemblies

The Institute of Information Technology of ANAS held scientific seminar. The event was dedicated to the discussion of Valeh Mustafayev`s thesis, noted the chairman of the meeting, doctor of technical sciences, professor Masuma Mammadova.

Valeh Mustafayev applied for the degree of Doctor of technical sciences on 12.03.01 - "Computer Science", and gave detailed information about his thesis on the "Automation of modeling with the application of Petri nets theory".

The dissertation studies automation of dynamically related modeling processes operating in complex and fuzzy conditions with the application of traditional, timely, colored, algebraic, stochastic, fuzzy, stochastic algebraic, fuzzy algebraic Petri nets, he said. For this purpose, the state of the art of dynamically related modeling processes operating in complex and fuzzy conditions was analyzed, the factors complicating the problem solution are defined.

According to the speaker, scientific and practical results of the dissertation may be used in the design and management of flexible manufacturing systems.

Then the applicant answered the questions.

The report was discussed and recommended for the next stage.

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