The structural departments of the Institute of Information Technology report

17 September 2014 - 11:54 | Conferences, assemblies
The structural departments of the Institute of Information Technology report

Structural departments of the Institute of Information Technologies of ANAS presented their reports on efficient performance. Research problems to be studied in 2015, qualifying human resources, and strengthening research activity were discussed, and performances of the departments were evaluated.

The head of department, PhD Yadigar Imamverdiyev presented the report of his department and spoke about the research activities. A conceptual model for e-government information security management was developed, comparative analysis of existing national cybersecurity strategies was realized to identify best practices in the subject field, a method was proposed basing on the use of the patterns detection algorithm to identify trends of Internet traffic, he reported.

He spoke about the major implementations of AzScienceCERT and AzScienceNet Monitoring and Security Service, and about the submitted grant projects.

Y. Imamverdiyev informed about the research and educational activities, as well as about the participation in national and international events and various publications, and the development of the international cooperation of the department.

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