Studies have shown why it is dangerous to use mobile phones at night

16 Jule 2019 - 11:53 | Interesting information
Studies have shown why it is dangerous to use mobile phones at night

The light emitted by the screens of mobile devices in the dark causes a craving for sweets and leads to weight gain, reports The Daily Mail. Universities of Strasbourg and Amsterdam have established: just one hour of exposure to light is enough for the laboratory rats to increase their appetite and the next day the animal was more attracted to harmful products.

As part of the experiment, rats were illuminated at night with blue light. As a result, the animals drank more water with sugar than usual. Blue light also changed the tolerance of sugar, and the blood sugar level of animals jumped to abnormal indicators.

According to scientists, the whole thing in changing hormonal levels. Also, retinal cells are sensitive to blue light. They directly transmit information to the brain regions that regulate appetite, sleep, and metabolism. These include the hypothalamus and the reward system, for example.