Activity of Division of Physical, Mathematical and Technical Sciences discussed

02 Jule 2019 - 16:48 | Conferences, assemblies

At the regular meeting of the Division of Physical, Mathematical and Technical Sciences of ANAS, the Vice-President of ANAS, Academician Rasim Aliguliyev presented a program of action on works to be performed by each department.

He said that the President of ANAS, academician Akif Alizadeh always pays special attention to the development of division, provides support to these sciences, guided by the calls of the modern world. The academician added that the mission of the physical and mathematical sciences is not only to obtain new knowledge and enrich world science. In the modern period, these sciences, being the locomotive of other fields, contribute to the development of multidisciplinary research.

Recalling the meeting, which was held on June 14 of this year under the leadership of the President of ANAS, academician Akif Alizadeh and with the participation of members of the PMTN, academician R. Aliguliyev noted that at that event the priority directions in the field of physical, mathematical and technical sciences were identified, to scientists The relevant areas were given serious tasks.

Saying that serious reforms covering all spheres have been carried out recently in ANAS, the scientist stressed that these measures are being taken in accordance with decrees and orders signed by President of the Azerbaijan Republic Ilham Aliyev and aimed at developing science and education in the country. He said that the new program of activities prepared in accordance with the modern calls of the world and the strategic interests of the country envisaged an even greater strengthening of activities in the field of physical, mathematical and technical sciences, the implementation of appropriate measures to address scientific, organizational, personnel and social issues.

Speaking about the organization of the discussion of actual scientific-theoretical and practical problems, Academician Rasim Aliguliyev said that the discussions that are held at the general branch offices and bureau meetings should invite scientists and specialists working in relevant fields, as a result of the discussions proposals should be developed and recommendations.

The scientist touched upon a number of issues related to the implementation of decrees and orders of the president of the country, resolutions of the General Assembly of ANAS and the Presidium, as well as instructions from the President of ANAS and other responsible persons in scientific institutions. He noted that the results of monitoring the degree of implementation of assignments should be periodically discussed at meetings of the department; mechanisms for monitoring the implementation of instructions should be established in the department and scientific institutions.

Academician R.Aliguliyev stressed the need for participation of staff, scientists and specialists working in scientific institutions, at competitions announced by the Presidium of ANAS and SOCAR, the Horizon 2020 project and other republican and international grant projects.

Vice-President of ANAS also told about the current situation in the field of training of scientific personnel in the division.

Speaking about the strengthening of the integration of science and education, the scientist noted the importance of holding subject Olympiads in this area, the organization of joint conferences and seminars, the preparation of textbooks and teaching aids.

Sharing his thoughts in connection with the informatization of the activities of scientific institutions in the framework of electronic science, academician R. Aliguliyev stressed that the application of ICT in research activities

Academician Rasim Aliguliyev put forward important proposals related to the level of training of scientific personnel in the department, discussing the cooperation of scientific institutions with foreign scientific centers, and establishing links between scientific institutions of the division and public organizations.

A program of activities covering the work envisaged for the Department of Physical, Mathematical and Technical Work, was introduced by the Vice-President of ANAS, academician Rasim Aliguliyev, views were exchanged , questions were answered.

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