Academician Rasim Alguliev was elected Vice-President of ANAS

01 Mai 2019 - 15:00 | Important events
Academician Rasim Alguliev was elected Vice-President of ANAS

 On May 1, elections to the post of vice-president of ANAS were held at the General meeting of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.

Director of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, academician Rasim Alguliyev was elected vice-president of ANAS in the secret ballot with 58 full members of the Academy.

Academician Rasim Alguliyev graduated from the department of “Electronic computing machines” of “Automatics and computing machinery” faculty of Azerbaijan Polytechnic Institute named after C.Ildirim in 1979.

He worked as an engineer and senior engineer, deputy Komsomol and completed Ph.D. at the Institute of Cybernetics of Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences during 1979-1986.

He was transferred to the Department of Automated Control Systems (DACS) of Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences in 1986, worked at positions of senior engineer, leading engineer, chief engineer of the project “National computing centers and data transfer network”, technical director – deputy director of the DACS.

He is the director of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS since 2002.

He was elected academic-secretary of ANAS in 2013.

R.Alguliyev is a doctor of technical sciences, professor, and an active member of ANAS.

He was awarded “Taraggi” medal by the decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2009.

We congratulate Academician Rasim Alguliyev on behalf of the institute's  staff and wishes him success in his new position.

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