Article of the institute's scientists are included in the Web of Sciences

29 April 2019 - 09:15 | Important events
Article of the institute's scientists are included in the Web of Sciences

An article  “Some issues of application of internet of things in the oil and gas complex”  co-authored by the director of ANAS Institute of Information Technologies, academician-secretary of ANAS, academician Rasim Alguliyev, deputy director Shakir Mehdiyev and head of department of institute Tahmasib Fataliyev was included in “Web of Science”.

Articles “Application of the internet of things in oil-gas industry”  co-authored by the head of department Rashid Alakbarov and Ph.D. Mammad Hashimov and   “Selection issues of cloudlets in mobile cloud computing”  R. Alakbarov chief specialist Oktay Alakbarov were included in mentioned indexing base as well.

Also, an article “Methods for evaluation of human resources performance in virtual organizations”  co-authored by the corresponding member of ANAS, Masuma Mammadova, and associate professor Zarifa Jabrayilova was included in Web of Science.  Articles,  “Method of the reserve resources determination for the distributed computer systems with the network-centric resource control” and  “Methodology of modeling of nonlinear nonstationary processes”  of the head of department  Sayar Abdullayev were included in the mentioned base. 

These articles have been published in the proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Control and Optimization of Industrial Applications (COIA), held on 11-13 July 2018 in Baku with the support of IEEE.

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