Detection of predatory journals

19 April 2019 - 17:02 | Conferences, assemblies

The next scientific seminar of the Institute of Information Technologies of ANAS was held. The event was opened by the academician-secretary of ANAS, the director of the institute, academician Rasim Aliguliyev. He informed that the seminar was devoted to the detection of “predatory” journals, which are of great importance in the modern world.

Then the presentation, co-authored by the institute’s employees Rahila Hasanova and Firudin Asgerov, delivered by R. Hasanova.  She gave information about the history of journals. She said that the first scientific journal “Journal des sçavans” was published in 1665 in France. She provided information on the rating of distribution by country and language of daily journals and the long-term rating of articles in the Scientific Journal Ratings (SJR) database.

The speaker spoke about the journal "Journal of Experimental Medicine", which is the first journal in the world that received the impact factor in 1975. She noted that its impact factor was 11,874. She also stressed that the magazine CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinician has the highest impact factor in the world - 187.040.

R. Hasanova brought to the attention the list of "predatory" journals and publishing houses offered by librarian Jeffrey Bill (Jeffrey Beall). She presented “predatory” journals, withdrawn from the scientific base of Scopus for 2009–2018, and stated that in 2016, 188 “predatory” journals were removed from this database.

R. Hasanova gave information about OMICS, one of the world's largest giant "predatory" publishers. She said that this publisher publishes 700 scientific journals a year and organizes more than 1,000 scientific conferences. In conclusion, the speaker presented the concept of an “anti-theft” system that automatically identifies journals and brought to its attention to the principles of its work. She said that journals that meet the requirements of this system are not considered “predatory” journals.

Views on presentation were exchanged and questions were answered.

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