"Electronic medicine: the formation and scientific and theoretical problems" book

02 April 2019 - 14:18 | New publications
"Electronic medicine: the formation and scientific and theoretical problems" book

The formation of the information society, the transition to the knowledge economy, the penetration of information technologies (IT) into all spheres of public life also influenced the field of medicine. Currently, health and medical activities in the country are based on information and communication technologies (ICT). The need to integrate ICT into health care has become an indisputable fact accepted by all.

The use of ICT in medicine has created new opportunities for the development of this area, the transformation of traditional relations between a doctor-patient-medical institution in the health care system, changes in therapeutic, diagnostic and preventive methods and improved health monitoring processes.

In our Republic, work is also being done on health informatization. In the Concept “Azerbaijan 2020: A Look into the Future”, the main directions are identified reforms in health care, improving the legal framework and medical management, strengthening the innovation activities of the country's scientific and medical potential. The development concept also announced the creation of various medical electronic registers for monitoring public health, the system of electronic medical records of the population (EHR) and a unified health information system.

One of the main directions of the “National Strategy of Information Society Development in the Republic of Azerbaijan for 2014–2020” is the formation of e-medicine. To achieve this goal, it is planned to consider such issues as the creation and development of the National Healthcare Network, which guarantees all medical personnel, medical institutions access to a secure, broadband Internet, the development of an EHR system, the provision of EHR for all age groups, the expansion of medical information systems and the integration of development of electronic medical resources for general use, the development of telemedicine and the development of medical their workers use ICT skills.

Based on these appeals, in 2014, the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS began research on the formation of e-medicine and their solutions.

Recently a monograph was published on the topic “E-medicine: formation and scientific and theoretical problems”, authored by the head of the department of the Institute of Information Technologies, corresponding member of ANAS, doctor of technical sciences, professor Masuma Mammadova and senior researcher of the institute, doctor of technical sciences Zarifa Jabrayilova.

The book, published by the publishing house "Information Technologies", is devoted to the analysis of the essence, possibilities, the formation of e-medicine and problems of the development of telemedicine. The monograph describes in detail the scientific and theoretical problems of e-medicine, the development of medical expert systems for decision-making by doctors, the information security of individual medical information and Big Data problems in medicine. It also discusses the possibilities of the Internet of Things and social media created in e-medicine, their role in the integration of people with disabilities into society, trends in staffing in the medical field and the formation of human resources in e-medicine.

The scientific adviser to the monograph is academician-secretary of ANAS, director of the institute, academician Rasim Aliguliyev, and scientific editors are academician Telman Aliyev and corresponding member of ANAS Nuru Bayramov.

By decision of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, the monograph reviewers were appointed head of the department’s department, corresponding member of ANAS, doctor of technical sciences, Ramiz Aliguliyev, doctor of technical sciences, professor Alekper Aliyev, leading researcher of the institute, doctor of engineering philosophy, associate professor Fargana Abdullayeva.

The monograph is designed for a wide range of readers, which include experts, researchers, researchers, teachers and students in the field of information technology, medical informatics, e-medicine.

An electronic version of the book is available here.

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