An event dedicated to "Science Day" held at the institute

27 March 2019 - 15:42 | Meetings

On March 27 - "Science Day" at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, a meeting with III-year students studying at Computer Science in SABAH groups of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics faculty of Baku State University and currently conducting a scientific-research experience at the institute and pupils of school № 225 was held. 

Opening the event, academician-secretary of ANAS, academician Rasim Alguliyev said that in recent years, a number of state measures have been implemented in order to increase the influence of science in our country, increase the importance of science in society and stimulate scientific activity. The Director of the Institute recalled President Ilham Aliyev's Order on the establishment of the "Science Day" in the Republic of Azerbaijan on 9 April 2018, pointing out that this remarkable day was celebrated by different organizations in line with their activities. The academician noted that the organization of the "Open Door" day for students and pupils in scientific institutions and organizations of ANAS is also planned to be held today. The scientist said that the purpose of the meeting with the students and pupils was to increase the interest in science and to raise the level of knowledge and skills.

R. Alguliyev noted that ANAS contributed significantly to the development of the intellectual potential of our country, integration into world science and achievement of important scientific achievements and emphasized that the academy was closely involved as one of the main carriers of important tasks in the implementation of all state programs on the development of Azerbaijan. 

Afterward, the award ceremony for the competition announced on March 27 - "Science Day" was held among young scientists and specialists of the institute. 

The head of department Babak Nabiyev and senior researcher Rahila Hasanova, became winners in the nomination "Young scientist of the year", specifically for their scientific activity,  master's students of the Institute Arzu Hasanli and Aysan Farajova in "Young Specialist of the Year" nomination, due to their high academic performance, PhD, Associate Professor Farhad Yusifov and senior researcher, PhD, Associate Professor Lyudmila Sukhostat "Researcher of the Year" for their scientific works published in prestigious scientific bases,  researcher of the institute Gunay Isgandarli "The achievement of the year", for her special services and active activity, laboratory assistant Adila Imamverdiyeva for her report at the republican level conference and the research fellow of the institute Saadet Abdullayeva became winners in the nomination "Youngster of the Year".  Also, the Institute's laboratory assistant Aydin Gurbanli was awarded "Young man of the Year" for the project presentation at the international level conference, Mammad Hashimov, the senior researcher of the Institute "The best report" for participation in the international conference,  Tural Mustafayev, Chief Specialist of the Institute's 4th Department,  for his practical work, "The young engineer of the year" and the senior laboratory assistant of the institute Nargiz Abdullayeva  "Sports success of the year" nomination for her achievement in sport.

Later, Zarifa Jabrayilova, a leading scientific researcher, Ph.D. in technical sciences, presented a presentation on "Artificial Intelligence and Perspectives". The reporter pointed out that Artificial intelligence (AI) is an area of computer science that emphasizes the creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans. Noting that a qualitatively new era in the development of artificial intelligence began from 60-70s of the last century, the reporter noted that the first lines of artificial intelligence technology were intelligent games and translation systems. 

Chief Specialist of the Institute's 16th Department, Afruz Gurbanova, informed about the Azerbaijani Scientists Diaspora Information System. According to her information about 500 Azerbaijani scientists working in different countries, statistical indicators on the distribution and gender affiliation of scientists working abroad were presented in the system.

Discussions were held around the reports, questions were answered.

The video also featuring the latest innovations on artificial intelligence was displayed.

Later, the students got closely acquainted with the AzScienceNet NREN,  Data Center, Training Innovation Center, Distant Learning Center, Information Technology Publishing House and  3D-printer's work principles and they were informed about the capabilities of these departments.

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