The integration of the Institute's scientific-practical journals into academic databases is being strengthened

14 February 2019 - 16:36 | Important events

At the next meeting of the Scientific Board of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, the editor-in-chief of the journal "Problems of Information Technologies", the senior researcher of the institute, Ph.D. Zarifa Jabrayilova presented the action plan for 2019 of  "Problems of Information Technologies" and " Problems of  Information Society " journals.

Z.Jabrayilova said that journals were indexed in "Index Copernicus", "Google Scholar", "CiteFactor", "Eurasian Scientific Journal Index" and "Research Bib". It is planned to continue the work on the solution of technical problems, as well as the inclusion of journals in academic databases and search engines for ensuring proper recognition of journal, she noted. In addition, according to new technical requirements, all articles published in journals for 2010-2018 will be included in the database on a standard basis. Z.Jabrayilova also noted the work to be done to improve the translation work for English versions of journals.

She also noted that in 2018, Central Scientific Library of Ankara published only three of all the scientific journals published in Azerbaijan and 2 of them are scientific publications of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS. According to the results of the monitoring of scientific journals published in ANAS in October 2018, the websites of both journals of the institute have received the highest rating.

After the presentation,  views were exchanged on the action plan and questions were answered.

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