Academician Rasim Aliguliyev: “It is necessary to study knowledge in the field of protection of intellectual property, piracy, technologies of plagiarism and mechanisms to combat them in the field of education”

12 February 2019 - 14:52 | Interviews, speeches

Academician Rasim Aliguliyev, academician-secretary of ANAS, director of the Institute of Information Technologies, spoke on February 11 at the conference on “Innovative Development and Economic Reforms: The Role of Intellectual Property and Technology Commercialization” organized by the Agency of Intellectual Property and the Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communications of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The academician said that recently in our country the rapid transformation of the economy, the information society and the formation of the knowledge economy led to the emergence of new realities in accordance with the challenges of the modern world.

Noting that the role of innovations, creative work, intellectual property and information products in the new economy is rapidly increasing, R. Alguliev underlined the importance of copyright and intellectual property protection under such conditions. He brought to the attention that in recent years the knowledge economy has begun to take shape in many areas of ICT application, development of the Internet, the creation of people’s activities based on information technologies.

Referring to the work done to improve the immune system of intellectual property in Azerbaijan, R. Aliguliyev noted the special attention paid to addressing issues related to the protection of intellectual property and copyright and added that new tasks were set before the relevant authorities.

R. Aliguliev said that the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, with the support of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population of the Republic of Azerbaijan, has developed a mechanism for the development of mechanisms and models for intellectual property protection.

The scientist also spoke about the necessity of taking into account the requirements of new technologies and world calls in the content of the education system for the labor market upgrade, studying international experience in this direction and the need for more space for multidisciplinary specialties.


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