The scientific-theoretical bases of software engineering and the quality of software systems are being studied

28 November 2018 - 11:20 | Conferences, assemblies

At the meeting of the Scientific Board of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, the report of the department №9 on the year 2018 was discussed. PhD in Physics, associate professor Tofig Kazimov presented the department's report and noted that scientific researches were carried out in the department on software engineering, information security and problems of biometric technologies.

Speaking about the researches on scientific-theoretical basics of software engineering in the current year, the reporter noted that the methodology and algorithms were developed to increase software productivity; researches on how to improve its reliability, and verification and validation methods of software engineering standards and software products were verified.

During the reporting year, the head of department underlined the current status, problems and prospects of the sanitation methods of data submitted under the theme “Development of methods for protection of children through the use of intelligentl technologies” within the reporting period.

According to the scientist, the department metods and algorithms for the study of biometric technologies on the basis of traces of human handwriting, algorithm and software for obtaining skeletal traces of human handwriting through a special device were developed.

Speaking about the scientific-innovative activity of the department, T.Kazimov noted that “Scientific and theoretical bases of software engineering” textbook, “Scientific and theoretical bases of programming”and “Methods of Sanitation: Modern state, scientific and theoretical problems and development perspectives” – express-information was prepared, a number of articles, conference materials, dissertations and books were published, and the scientific works of the staff were included in Wikipedia.

He also gave information about participation of department staff in national and international conferences, publication of scientific articles in prestigious journals recommended by the AR High Attestation Commission, scientific and pedagogical and scientific-organizational activities of the department, continuation of international scientific cooperation, scientific-practical results of mass-media etc.

Then academician-secretary of ANAS, director of Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, academician Rasim Alguliev made a speech and made suggestions and recommendations on department report. The scientist emphasized the importance of supporting the widespread application of software engineering in our country and underlined the importance of improving the quality of the “Software engineering” subject teaching.

At the end of the lecture the exchange of views was held, and many questions were answered. By the decision of the scientific board, the department's report was evaluated satisfactory.

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