The problem of extracting knowledge from Large-scale data researched

13 November 2018 - 10:15 | Conferences, assemblies

The next meeting of the Scientific Board was held at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS. Academician-secretary of ANAS, director of the institute, academician Rasim Alguliev informed the participants about the issues on the agenda and said that the meeting was devoted to discussion of the reports of departments No.1,2,3 for 2018.

The chief engineer of the Department, Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Makrufa Hajirahimova presented the report of Department No.1. She informed about scientific research, scientific and innovation activities, lectures at scientific seminars and conferences, publication of articles in well-known scientific journals and, etc.

She also noted that within the framework of the scientific-research activities, the research funded by the Science Development Fund under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan was studied within the framework of the Grant project "Development of methods and algorithms for ensuring information security in Big data environment". To this end, articles on the proposed text mining approach were developed to detect threats to national security on the basis of modeling and algorithm for detecting DDoS attacks on national information infrastructure and analysis of social media.

The speaker also highlighted the work carried out within the grant project of the SOCAR Science Foundation "DeepOil-ML: Development of new technologies based on Deep Learning Intelligent Oil Fields". She said that a study on the topic "Methods for the analysis of oil-bearing data based on Deep Learning and the development of the algorithm" was conducted in this direction. 

"During the research, the current state of research in the field of Machine Learning and Deep Learning in the oil and gas industry was analyzed, widely used correlation methods, prediction methods for PVT properties, machine learning methods and hybrid models were analyzed, models for analysis of oilfield data were developed and proposed, method and algorithm were tested on data sets ". She said that using an experimental correlation, Azerbaijan developed a model for the valuation of crude oil.

The speaker said that 6 theses in prestigious scientific journals and 12 articles in the scientific-technical conferences and seminars were published this year. She presented the department's scientometric indicators and stated that in the reporting year, 28 references were made to the works of the employees of the department.

Speaking about the works carried out within the framework of scientific and innovation activities, M.Hajirahimova noted the scientific and technical expertise works carried out in this direction.

Then the discussions were held around the report and the questions were answered. By the decision of the scientific board, the department report was considered satisfactory.

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