Scientists of the Institute took part in an international event in Rome

06 November 2018 - 16:20 | Important events

EaPConnect e-Health Workshop 2018 – “Biomedical Cooperation within the Framework of National Research and Education Network: Achievements and Best Practices” jointly organized by the Eastern Partnership (EaPConnect) and Consortium GARR -the Italian Research & Education Network on 30-31 October 2018 was held. The seminar is dedicated to discussing current issues and studying best practice.

At the seminar organized by the Italian Institute of National Health (Instituto Superiore di Sanita), heads and specialists of national science and education networks of the six Eastern Partnership countries (Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Armenia, Moldova Republic and Ukraine), academics and researchers in relevant fields participated. At the event the head of the department of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, corresponding member of ANAS, professor Masuma Mammadova and senior scientific worker, associate professor Zarifa Jabrayilova attended.

National Research and Education Network (NREN) supports social research in biomedical research. At the workshop, thematic research and advanced experience of the most advanced organizations in this area, various financial and organizational models were presented and the best results were demonstrated.

The event is organized as a part of the EC-funded Eastern Partnership Connect project ( EAPConnect aims to establish and operate a high-capacity broadband internet network for research and education (R&E) across six EaP partner countries in the EU Eastern Neighbourhood; with the objective to integrate them in the pan-European GÉANT network, and facilitate collaboration with local scientists, students and academics, also through the deployment of shared services.

Presentations of case studies by NREN executives and project coordinators were delivered and an interactive session was held including Eastern Partnership and EUNRENs focused on funding and organization models, offered services and differences across countries.  Both technical and political aspects, including relations with national institutions, were covered in the discussion.

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