The report “Big data in the oil and gas industry” was listened

27 September 2018 - 12:13 | Conferences, assemblies

Next scientific seminar of department № 13 was held at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS.

Employee of the department, Shalala Mansurova, presented a report on “Big data in the oil and gas industry”.

Presenting the architecture of operations in the oil and gas industry, Ms. Mansurova spoke about “Upstream operations”, “Midstream”, and “Downstream” stages. She gave information about the operations performed separately on each stage and the major sources generating large data at these stages. She said that, according to the results of the research, it would lead to a 20% increase in the efficiency of the processes if it is possible to fully analyze the data obtained in the oil and gas industry.

The reporter also spoke about “SCADA” systems used in the oil and gas industry, the Internet of Things (IOT), cloud and fog technology, wired and wireless networking technologies.

Sh. Mansurova has presented multilevel architecture of Wireless Sensor Networks in the oil and gas industry and highlighted issues (fire, leakage, corrosion, temperature, humidity, etc.) generating big data at each level (intelligence, monitoring, etc.). The reporter briefed on the classification of the Wireless Sensor Networks in the oil and gas industry, as well as the advantages of cloud and fog technology integration.

At the end of the lecture, the views were exchanged, questions were answered. Head of department, corresponding member of ANAS, Doctor of technical sciences Ramiz Aliguliyev advised to prepare article as a result of research.

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