Problems of Azerbaijani language protection in e- goverment environment

24 September 2018 - 13:00 | Conferences, assemblies

The next scientific seminar on the problems of protection of the Azerbaijani language in the e-government environment was held at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS. Today the country has created a favorable ground for the use and study of the Azerbaijani language, one of the main symbols of our people's spiritual wealth and independence of our country, and the improvement of linguistic science in the country,  academician-secretary of ANAS, academician Rasim Alguliyev  said.

He emphasized the special attention paid by the country's leadership to the formation of language policy in the country, improving the functioning of the mother language as a state language, increasing the role and influence in the international arena. The scientist informed about Order on a number of measures to ensure wider use of Azerbaijani language in electronic space signed by President Ilham Aliyev on July 17, 2018.

Then, an employee of the Institute, Doctor of Philology, Yedgar Jafarli, presented the presentation  "Problems of protection of Azerbaijani language in the e-government space". The elimination of borders around the national information space, the dominant language formation of the global economy, the labor market,  national and global media resources, the difference between scientific and technological databases, the inability of natural language processes to compete with the speed of innovative development, need to be protected from digital divide and other factors cause threats to national languages, he noted.

Y. Jafarli informed about the ways to protect language diversity in e-government. For this purpose, the use of multilingual communication facilities, an adaptation of services to international standards and multilingualism, and the provision of e-services to all citizens regardless of social diversity are necessary, he highlighted. 

The reporter also highlighted important issues for the protection of language norms in social networks.  Teaching a special subject that teaches students the perfect writing skills in their mother language,  electronic communication rules as a separate subject in educational institutions, implementation of distance learning projects in Azerbaijani language, electronic editing and editing programs,  further improvement of existing programs, implementation of fiction literature’s propaganda can solve these problems.

Jafar Jafarli also spoke about the establishment of the dialectological basis of the Azerbaijani language. Use of ICT to create dialectical atlases, virtualizationof dialect materials on the linguistic map and open and free use of dialectological bases and addition of new dialects to the bases by the users should be provided and definitions should be given to words.

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