Next meeting of the Scientific Council at the Institute of Information Technology

20 September 2018 - 16:55 | Conferences, assemblies

The next meeting of the Scientific Council was held at the Institute of Information Technologies of ANAS. Academician-secretary of ANAS, director of the institute, academician Rasim Alguliyev  highlighted the issues on the agenda.

Head of the General Department of the Institute Dinara Zeynalova informed about the results of the I half-year report for 2018 and spoke about the implementation of the assignments given to the staff of the Institute. She informed about assignments on the organization of scientific seminars devoted to various problems, presentation and publication of articles for international and national scientific journals and scientific-practical conferences, preparation of reviews on the carried out researches, the status of theses and other tasks.

Mrs. Zeynalova also informed about the measures taken by the Presidium of the ANAS in the current year, informing about the status of the letters, decrees and resolutions.

Then, the Head of the Institute's Training Innovation Center (TIC), Rasmiya Mahmudova, spoke about the activities of the TIC. It was noted that in the center the organization of courses and examinations for general subjects of ANAS, support for thePh.D.D studies in the scientific institutes of ANAS and the organization of exams for special subjects of the Institute'sPh.D.D students, including the organization of exams.

The Center also organizes distance learning and exams on "Informatics" for Ph.D. students living in the regions, as well as programming languages, graphics editors, as well as prepares new tests and updates test bases, conducts translation of tests into Russian and English languages, mathematical software package, and so on.

Head of Education Department, Ph.D., Associate Professor Farhad Yusifov gave information about the master’s degree education at the institute. He noted that in the 2017-2018 academic year, the master's thesis defense was held at the institute and 3 masters’ s students got degrees.

He spoke about the admission to the master’ degree of the Institute for the academic year 2018-2019. F.Yusifov noted that In the current year there are 6 places on the specialties 249178 - Computer Engineering, 249186 - Information Security and Security, 249161 - Computer Systems and Networks, 249291 - Computer Systems and Networks. The lecturer presented to the seminar participants the master’s students who have been enrolled in the current year.

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