An article on bibliometric analysis was published in an international journal

30 Mai 2018 - 15:00 | Important events
An article on bibliometric analysis was published in an international journal

“Bibliometric Analysis of IP & M Journal (1980-2015)”, which was co-authored by academician-secretary of ANAS, director of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, academician Rasim Alguliev and head of the department, corresponding member of ANAS, doctor of sciences Ramiz Aliguliyev and Malasian scientist  was published in the "Journal of Scientometric Research”.

The presented article provides bibliometric analysis of the journal “Information Processing & Management (IP & M)” for 1980-2015. In the researches, the analysis of key figures such as the distribution of articles, their classification by categories, the authors' issues in the articles, the degree of cooperation, the contribution they make and the distribution of these contributions across the institutions, the geographical distribution of articles, and references to the IP & M journal have been conducted. It is clear from the analysis that in the 1980- 2015 journal published 2913 articles, and research articles have a high percentage (67.15%). However, according to the number of articles, the authors have identified 24 most productive countries, 10 most productive institutions and 10 most productive authors.

It should be noted that some results obtained during the IP & M journal analysis, as well as information about future research are clearly reflected in the article.

 “Journal of Scientometric Research” indexed in scientific bases such as "Web of Science", "CNKI", "EBSCO Publishing's Electronic Database", "Exlibris", "Google Scholar", "Hinari", "Infotrieve", "Journal Guide" National Science Library "," OpenJGate "and others.

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