Algorithms for the creation of recommendation system in Internet advertising marketing are being developed

22 Mai 2018 - 16:00 | Conferences, assemblies

The next scientific seminar of the department № 18 was held at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS. Head of Sector of the Institute, Kamala Hashimova, made a report on the theme "Algorithms for the creation of a recommendation system based on user data marketing in Internet advertising". She said that the recommendation systems were software tools for identifying, detecting, and delivering objects, services that might be of interest to the user, and spoke about the evolution of this system. The advisory system was widely used on electronic commerce sites and social networks.

The rapporteur, who presented the development stages of the recommendation system, underlined that the system has evolutional stages such as electronic commerce, social networks, social conseptual information systems and the Internet of Things.

The Head of Sector noted that in the recommendation systems accurate and inaccurate types are used when collecting information about user.

She also provided detailed information on the key strategies, efficiency, a number of algorithms used, and the problems in the recommendation system.

K.Hashimova noted that "Movielens", "Jester", "EachMovie" databases were used to evaluate the results in the recommendation systems and she said that evaluation is carried out according to the innovation, accuracy, endurance, persistence and so on..

Head of Sector noted that recommendation systems is used in the field of artificial intelligence, human-computer interaction, data mining, information technology, decision-making systems, and so on. She also spoke about Internet advertising marketing conferences and published scientific works.

Later, academician-secretary of ANAS, director of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, academician Rasim Alguliev said his suggestions and recommendations. Scientist noted that the creation of a user-based advisory system is of particular importance in the proper formulation of an Internet advertising marketing strategy. He recommended further deepening of research in this direction and a comparative analysis of existing methods.

Discussions were held around the report, questions were answered.

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