The reports on the grant projects implemented at the Institute were listened

26 April 2018 - 16:00 | Conferences, assemblies

It is known that Institute of Information Technology of ANAS closely participates in grant projects organized by relevant foundations.  Regular information on the implementation status of the Grant projects is provided and reports on the work done are listened.

In this regard, the Institute held a meeting on grant projects to discuss the work done in the first quarter of the current year. Academician-secretary of ANAS, director of the institute, academician Rasim Alguliev noted that participation of institute's employees in various grant projects is one of the most important issues. The scientist emphasized the necessity of further strengthening the scientific potential of the departments, developing scientific-theoretical and innovative activities.

R. Alguliev advised the Institute staff to actively participate in projects submitted by the Science Development Foundation under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR), to stimulate scientific activities and to engage in competitive research.

He emphasized the importance of publishing articles in the prestigious scientific bases of the world as the main target in the institute, deepening academic mathematical knowledge, developing academic literacy and developing scientific knowledge. R. Alguliyev noted that his organization's staff had all the opportunities to use influential international scientific bases and called them to be active in this direction.

Then Deputy Director on Technology, PhD, Associate Professor Rashid Alakbarov gave information about the work done on grant project "Development of new methods and algorithms for the synthesis of         e-science and its functional subsystems" funded by Science Development Foundation. The scientist pointed out that the project has been implemented since 2015 and research is conducted on the  analyzing the current state of scientific-theoretical and practical bases of e-science, monitoring of current state of electronic science and defining priorities, developing the conceptual-architectural-technological model of e-science, to provide models and approaches for the optimal distribution of computational and memory resources, and developing the methods and indexes for evaluating scientific activities at different levels.

The scientist pointed out that the scientific findings of the researches were reflected in 66 scientific works. He also noted that within the framework of the project "Electronic Document Circulation" system was put into operation.

R. Alakbarov presented a report on the grant project “Application of Internet of Things technologies in the oil and gas industry” financed by the SOCAR Science Foundation. He said that investigation on the analysis of the current state of the monitoring of the physical condition of employees on the oil platform, using the Internet of Things( IoT )technologies, the development of architectural-technological principles of IoT technologies in the oil and gas complex, developing a conceptual model for collecting, transmitting, processing and storing information from IoT, development of machine learning algorithms for IoT Big Data distributed analysis, as well as development of methodological basis for monitoring the physical condition of employees on the oil platform using IoT was underway.

Later, Ramiz Aliguliyev, D.Sc. , corresponding member of ANAS, delivered a speech on the grant project entitled "Development of Methods and Algorithms for Information Security in Big Data (Big Data)." The scholar said that the EIF-funded grant project is being implemented since 2016. For this purpose, researches on Development of methods and algorithms for detecting anomalies in large volumes of data collected at different information security objects, Development of methods and algorithms for detecting DDoS attacks on national information infrastructure proposition of text mining approaches to detect threats to national security and abnormal processes in society on the basis of social media analysis are being carried out.

He said that 16 articles were published on the project , 5 articles were in print phase, 3 were in the reviewer process and published articles included "Scopus", "WoS" and other scientific bases.

Head of the department, PhD on technical sciences, docent Yadigar Imamverdiyev gave information about the project "DeepOil ML: Development of new technologies based on Deep Learning for Intellectual Oil Field". In the first stage of the project financed by the SOCAR Science Foundation projects of the leading oil and gas companies on Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning Technology Based on reports published in open sources were analyzed, The conceptual model for the next generation of intellectual oilfields was developed with the introduction of information technologies emerging during the 4th industrial revolution and works on cleaning and initial processing of collected geophysical data was done, he highlighted.

At this stage, a method for the forecasting oil production based on deep neural networks was developed by using data on daily flow of oil wells, hybrid approach for classification of fossils based on carotage data was proposed and a correlation model was developed to predict some of the oilfield characteristics.


Bikas Aghayev, PhD, presented a report on the action plan on the topic "Development of proposals for the analysis of electronic waste problems in SOCAR and the creation of an effective management system for their solution". The grant funded by the Science Foundation of the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR) has examined the electronic waste and problems created by  I Stage, electronic waste management systems (ETIE), foreign countries in the field of ETIE and the current situation in Azerbaijan, and several articles have been prepared.

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