Methods and algorithms for creating terminological information system in Azerbaijan to be developed

12 April 2018 - 15:00 | Conferences, assemblies

The next meeting of the Scientific Board was held at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS. Academician-secretary of ANAS, Director of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, academician Rasim Alguliev  noted that the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan signed an Order on celebrating March 27 as "Day of Science" taking into account the importance of science in the development of society. He said that on March 27, 1945 a remarkable event took place in the history of Azerbaijan, the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan was established. According to the scientist, the establishment of "Science Day" is a sign that the country's leadership perceives Azerbaijani science and its intellectual values as national wealth.

He then informed about the issues on the academic agenda and said that the event was dedicated to discussion of the Action Plan of Department No. 16 for the 2018.

The Head of department, Gulnara Nabibayeva, presented Action plan of Department No. 16 and informed about the research activities planned for the current year. The defense of thesis "Development of methods for measuring interstate integration in the electronic state environment"  and development of the concept of e-demographic environment and the creation of some services on the application and development of the Azerbaijani language in the e-government environment are planned, she noted.

She emphasized the importance of the methodology and algorithms for creating a terminological information system in Azerbaijan. The head of the department noted that web-based technologies will be used to evaluate and analyze web-based resources, analyze web-spamming technologies and web analytics. In the current year, research on multidisciplinary evaluations of websites in the conditions of uncertainty and conducting transliteration of Azerbaijani language graphics with English language graphics are also intended.

G.Nabibeyova noted that works on creation and improvement of web sites of different organizations, as well as institutes and organizations of ANAS within the scientific and innovative activity of the department will be carried out.   The technological support of official website of ANAS,, the website and the website AzScienceNet will be continued.  The development an action plan for the site and design of the site and software development are planned.

G.Nabibeyova also informed about scientific-pedagogical and scientific-organizational activities of department’s staff, participation in international and national conferences, publication of articles in journals recommended by the Supreme Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, preparation of various publications, establishment and development of international scientific cooperation , promotion of scientific and practical results in mass media.

Then, discussions were held on the action plan, numerous questions were answered.

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