Two theses were discussed at the Dissertation Board's seminar

03 April 2018 - 09:00 | Conferences, assemblies

The next seminar of the Dissertation Board was held at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS. The seminar holding with chairmanship of corresponding member of ANAS, PhD,  professor Masuma Mammadova and academic secretaryship of corresponding member of ANAS, doctor of technical sciences Ramiz Aliguliyev was devoted to discussion of theses on  3338.01 - "System analysis, management and information processing" specialty ANAS, doctor of technical sciences, corresponding member.

Firstly, the head of the department Babek Nabiyev presented the thesis on the theme "Development of methods and algorithms for synthesis of network security intelligence monitoring system". He said that the growth of computer networks, the increased number of network services and equipment, and its functional capabilities make it difficult to ensure its security. The lack of comprehensive information on network security situations and the in-line time constraint make the decision-making process deeper.

The speaker noted that the main purpose of the thesis is to develop methodologies and algorithms for the synthesis of the intelligent monitoring system, allowing for operational assessment of the real security of the network security, early detection of security policy violations, and rapid response to events.

He gave detailed information about the issues put forward in the thesis, the practical significance of the work, novelty, and its approbation. The speaker noted the conceptual model for intellectual security monitoring in the research work, the clusterization method that defines the profile of users for detecting abnormal and non-profile traffic in computer network traffic, and the multi-classification model for network traffic classification.

B.Nabiyev noted that the scientific-theoretical and practical results were applied in the information security and monitoring system of AzScienceNet network of ANAS.

After the debates, voting was held and it was recommended to pass the thesis to next stage.

PhD student of the Institute, Head of the Training Innovation Center, Rasmiyya Mahmudova, presented the thesis and noted that 9 out of 18 scientific works were published in scientificj ournals and 9 articles were published in international and national conferences.

The speaker informed the audience about the relevance of the thesis, its scientific novelty, its purpose, the issues identified and the results achieved.

R.Makhmudova noted that the level of use of information in modern times has a significant impact on people's living conditions, changes in the demand for specialists in accordance with rapid pace of information and knowledge, continuously increasing their knowledge and skills, receiving and applying innovations relevant to the field, the ability to acquire new specialties, the inferiority of the information generated by the rise of information channels to the behavior, health and psychology of the people, the increase of information threats and risks in parallel with the globalization of the information space, the preparation of human information lifestyles and the development of information culture. It is one of the factors that condition the relevance of the dissertation work swelled.

She noted that the purpose of the dissertation work was to develop a new concept based on a comparative analysis of existing views on information culture in the context of general culture, the development of mathematical models and methods for measuring and evaluating the information culture of individuals.

R.Makhmudova presented the work done to achieve the goal of thesis . During the research, it was revealed that the current viewpoints of individuals in the context of general cultural context were systematized and analyzed in terms of information culture requirements, the new concept of information culture for individuals, mathematical models and methods for measuring and evaluating individuals' information culture, and the adequacy of these methods computer experiments were carried out.

The applicant then answered questions from the seminar participants.

Dissertation reviewers - professors Ismayil Ismayilov and associate professor Shafaget Mahmudova said that fundamental research was being carried out in the dissertation, and the problems were solved. Scientists noted that the research responded to the requirements for the thesis offered by the High Attestation Comission for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Technical Sciences, and made their suggestions.

Professor Bayram Ibrahimov, associate professor Gulara Muradova, PhD in technical sciences Zafar Jafarov, PhD Bikas Agayev made their comments and suggestions.

After the debates, voting was held and it was recommended unanimously  to pass the thesis to next stage.

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