Deputy Director on Technologies Rashid Alakbarov awarded Honorary Diploma

07 March 2018 - 14:00 | Conferences, assemblies

Deputy Director on Technologies at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, Ph.D in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Rashid Alakbarov was awarded the Honorary Diploma of the Institute on the occasion of his 65th birthday.

Academician-secretary of ANAS, director of the institute, academician Rasim Aliguliev congratulated R. Alakbarov on behalf of the collective and wished him successes in his future activity.

The academician noted that noble human qualities such as humanity, industriousness, sensitivity and care, inherent in R. Alakbarov, who had great services in the long run of the institute, gained him great respect and sympathy in the collective.

In 1975 R.Alakbarov graduated from “Automation and Computer Engineering” faculty of Azerbaijan Polytechnic University named after C.Ildirim. 

Since 1975, he was assigned to Institute of Cybernetics of Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, worked as an engineer, senior engineer, junior research officer. He was transferred to Automated Control Systems department of AAS since 1983.

In 2006, he defended his dissertation on the topic "Development of models and algorithms for the synthesis of computing environment based on distributed computer networks" and received the title Ph.D on speciality  05.13.01 - System Analysis, Management and Data Processing.

He deals with the development of proposals and documents (technical, organizational, economic, financial, etc.) for the establishment of National Supercomputer Center and its nationwide infrastructure. 

Since 2010, he has been leading the development of "AzScienceNet" infrastructure. 

Currently, he conducts researches on the optimal allocation of memory and computing resources among users based on cloud technologies in Data processing center, on development of models for the synthesis of cloud technologies in various network environment and new methods and algorithms  for the synthesis of e-science  and its  functional  subsystems.

He is author more than 90 scientific works, including 5 inventions.

Since 2008, he has been member Technical Committee on Standardization of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology.

In 2009, he was awarded with the "Progress" was medal.

Since 2010, he has been leading to construction of “AzScienceNet" science computer network infrastructure.

Since 2011, he has been leading to construction of distant education system infrastructure in the Education Center.

In 2011, he was appointed chief engineer of the institute by the decision of the Presidium of ANAS.

In 2013, he was awarded with honorary Certificate by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies.

In 2015, he was appointed deputy director on technology of the institute.

In 2015, he was awarded with "Honored Engineer” for the development of Azerbaijan science by decree of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic.

In 2016, he was awarded with the title of associate professor by the Supreme Attestation Commission under the President of the Azerbaijan Republic.

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